Flowers are beautiful.
they bring new smell and colors to our life.
They become more beautiful if you take them suddenly from a special person in your life, But unfortunately their life are short.
Because of this I take photos from them to stick them in my mind.
very beautiful flowers, sorry friend
I love flowers a lot beforehand. When I see flowers in the shop, I'll leave. But sometimes the money is not taken for the money. The flower of your photo is a beautiful flower name but I do not know. It's good to post. Thank you friend @beautypucs
Its so beautiful
very beautiful flowers, sorry friend if I can know what kind of flower @beautypics
Very nic post
Ulalala so beautiful :)
It's so beautiful ... Imagination of great thought.
vow , so beautiful , your life is beautiful !
when I pay you a visit I think I know what to bring you now ;)
This is an extraordinary photograph of flowers. I love the lovely colors. Keep posting great stuff. It's amazing how many different flowers there are.