water flower there are two red color the same white
Description of the plant: Upright herb, aqueous stems, height 0.3-0.8 m. Leaf-shaped eyelashes, until the base of serrated sharp, size 6-15 times 2-3 cm. Flower stemmed consists of 1-3 pieces, 2 mm long sideways-shaped funnel shape resembles a spur along the length of 20 mm. 5-sheeted crown, 4 heart-shaped upturned nails and the fifth off. Fruit shaped ellipse, split by space suddenly. Habitat: The growth in the yard of the house at an altitude of 1-900 m above sea level. Plant parts used are seeds, flowers and leaves. Chemical content in the form of fatty oils; Naphthoquinone bonding; Lawsoue. Benefits: Antiremat.
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