four Green - Bonsai (盆栽?) is a plant or tree that is dwarfed in shallow pots with the aim of making a miniature of the original form of a large tree that is old in the wild.
Planting (sai, 栽) is done in shallow pots called bon (盆). The term bonsai is also used for traditional Japanese art in the maintenance of plants or trees in shallow pots, and the appreciation of the beauty of the branches, leaves, stems, and roots of trees, and shallow pots into containers, or whole shapes of plants or trees.
Bonsai is a Japanese pronunciation for penzai (盆栽).
Bonsai plants can also be made from flowering plants, in addition to the form of bonsai that attract bonsai made of flower plants is also has its own beauty because when the flowering plants will look more beautiful.
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Catik² bonsainya ya
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Tiba Waktunya akan muncul di Gayo
akan dipadukan dengan bunga kopinya hahaha..
Mantaplah. Amin