Once again, I was down on my hands and knees to identify a plant, brushing the soil aside to see if it sprouted from a bulb or a rhizome. I had assumed that it was the popular bearded iris. Then Wikipedia told me there could be as many as 300 species, so I had to find out for sure.
This Iris Identification page has
a handly flow chart that helps.
a handly flow chart that helps.
Rhizome vs bulb, blooming period, and beard were required for identification. Yes, it's a bearded iris of a medium height. The smaller ones bloom earlier and the taller ones bloom later when peonies bloom. This is also one of the darker ones I have seen although the darkness seems to vary. See the next two photos which were taken last year. This one certainly doesn't live up to its name which is Greek for 'rainbow' however bearded irises come in a wide spectrum of colours, every colour except fire-engine red.
In the first photo, you can see fuzzy bits on the lower petals. You can guess that those are its beards. They sit on three drooping petals called 'falls' while the three standing up are called 'standards.' Just don't be fooled by irises that have a crest, like a raised ridge or cockscomb, or a different colour on the falls. They're not beards.
Bearded irises are an easy to grow perennial. The important thing to know is they shouldn't be in too moist soil because it can rot the rhizomes. For that reason, don't mulch them, don't crowd them, and don't give them too much shade. Plant them in well prepared, well drained soil and in a location where they get at least 6-7 or more hours of sun per day. Don't be surprised if the rhizomes want to be slightly out of the soil.
To prevent crowding, divide them every 3-4 years and remove their seed pods so little ones don't spring up too close to their parents. Hmmm... mine need dividing. The best time to divide them is in late summer.
Iris - WIkipedia
Iris Identification
How to Grow, Maintain, and Divide Beareded Iris

All photos from the iPad of @kansuze. @kansuze
Wonderful they are open.I took a photo yesterday of mine and they were closed with the heat today they have popped right open. I would share a picture if it is ok with you. I always ask as I don't want to spam your post.
It's beautiful. I use to have a similar one that was a little more plum coloured.
Sure. I'd love to see it.
Nice pictures.... irises are so pretty!