in #flowerpower6 years ago (edited)

Hello to all photography lovers!

First of all, I would like to thank all the participants of this contest because the level was excellent!
The contest is now finished and I received more than 100 ENTRIES for this first 🌸 FLOWER POWER PHOTO CONTEST BY FLAMINGIRL 🌸! It's amazing but really hard to make a choice every day between all these entries... ^^


Now I have to make the ranking of the 3 WINNERS!!!

I need you Steemians because as you see, the level is high and I would like to have your top 3 ...

I have a surprise for you!!! I will choose 1 of your comments with your top 3 and upvote it 100% !!!!

So... What are you waiting for giving me your top 3 my friends ???!!!


1st place: 15 STEEM

2nd place: 10 STEEM

3rd place: 5 STEEM


Sponsorship is welcomed and you are free to leave a message in this post or join us on Telegram, if you are interested to give some STEEM. All amounts starting from 1 STEEM will be accepted and you will have your name listed as an official sponsor in a post related to the contest.



Finalist number 1: @nelinoeva

If you like the flowers and to photograph them, come and join the contest hosted by @flamingirl.
How to participate? You can find the rules here

This is my submission for the first day of the contest - the photo of tiny and delicate flower of linseed.
It does not last long. Usually after couple of days the flower is gone. Just a whiff and it is blown away. However I keep the plant just because I love when it blooms.

Image taken with Samsung J5 smartphone.

Finalist number 2: @yetaras

(en) I'm very glad to know about holding this magnificent floral contest from @flamingirl. Unfortunately I missed the first day of the photo competition, but today is only the second day and I still have many chances :) The power of spring is getting stronger, more and more flowers are blossoming around, so the number objects for photography are also will bigger. The photo shows Hepatica nobilis - a forest flower, which blooms one of the first, but blooms a long period of time. Now in the woods, you can even see the entire lawns of these flowers, so I urge those who have this opportunity to take a walk in the woods to admire this beauty!

Finalist number 3: @hangin

This is known as a hybrid Lily from the Oriental group these Oriental Lilies have a lovely perfume fragrant. I was at a international flower festival in Thailand where i saw many of these beautiful different colored Lilies it was like walking through a cosmetic shop with all these fragrances in the air.

Finalist number 4: @sunscape


Some of my favorite moments happen when walking around my yard to see what is starting to bloom in the garden. I usually have a camera of some type in my hand as I love to capture the little critters flying about the flowers or catch the very beginning of a flower preparing to unfurl. That was the case with the above photo. I took a close-up shot of it as it was about to open and I love how it turned out. Soon I will be planting flowers again for another season and am so looking forward to photographing another year of beautiful blossoms. ;-)

This contest is initiated by @flamingirl and is going to be a lot of fun to see all the #flowerpower entries, which are always my favorites.

Finalist number 5: @roxy-cat

Flower Power Photo Contest hosted by @flamingirl is a wonderful opportunity for steemians to express their feelings towards flowers.

Chicory or Cichorium intybus is the bright blue relative of the dandelion. Usually found on the roadsides, this amazing plant is also grown as forage for livestock. But what is good for our beloved pets, surely cannot harm us. So feel free to try a salad made of chicory leaves.
From the chicory's roots (dried and grinded) you will obtain a delicious coffee substitute.

Leaving aside the numerous uses of this flower, we can concentrate on its delicate beauty. There is no wonder this blue flower is the symbol of perseverance and magic since it fancies the roadsides or desolated places.

This photo was taken with Panasonic DMC-FZ7 camera and Photoshop Express edited.

Finalist number 6: @eduardo.waldo

Flora Exótica
Conocida comúnmente como “Bastón del emperador” responde al nombre científico de Etlingera elatior y es originaria de Indonesia. Se halla hoy en día distribuida por todas las regiones tropicales del planeta incluido Venezuela desde donde tomé esta fotografía.

La belleza de esta flor para mi no tiene comparación, espero tambien la aprecien tanto como yo.

Finalist number 7: @manuel82

Wax doll / Muñeca de cera

Saludos amigos de Steemit y seguidores de #Flowerpower. Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una flor muy extraña y hermosa que se conoce como la flor de cera, su nombre científico es Hoya carnosa. Crecen en grupos y forman una especie de esfera.

Greetings friends of Steemit and followers of #Flowerpower. Today I want to share with you a very strange and beautiful flower this is known as the wax flower its scientific name is Hoya carnosa. They grow in groups and form a kind of sphere.

Author: @manuel82
Photograph taken with camera Fujifilm FinePix HS25EXR
Cumaná - Venezuela

I'm waiting for your comments my Steemians friends!

Thank you very much for your support and See you soon for the WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT of the 🌸 FLOWER POWER PHOTO CONTEST BY FLAMINGIRL 🌸


If you liked reading this article, feel free to FOLLOW ME, UPVOTE and RESTEEM! It's always appreciated =D. Thank you all for your support and see you soon for the news flamingirl's adventures!


I choose @hangin, @roxy-cat @nelinoeba
I love all your power flowers and of course the one initiating this @flamingirl

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Thank you so much @olivia08 very much appreciated :)

Happy that you will win Sir!

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Thank you my friend may the best flower win :)

I upvote your comment 100% because you are so sweet with the participants!
I totally agree with your thinking: "The most important things here is not just you earned yourself but interacting is the most graceful part of the contest."
We are all WINNERS in this case because everybody can share its ideas with each other.
You are a beautiful person @olivia08 and I just wanted to reward this kind of mentality!
Thank you so much <3


Ohh, thank you Ma'am @flamingirl, God bless you more.

I just happened upon this contest on the last and final day, after it was over. I looked at the different days it was presented and must say that it would be really hard to narrow the selection down to one flower.

However, it would not be a contest otherwise. I have thought about what makes them exceptional to me. And in saying this, I actually think they are all winners, having made it this far into the contest.

In my opinion, the #1 spot goes to @hangin @roxy-cat

You are so right they were all exceptional entries from everyone and all winners i would have hated to be in @flamingirl shoes but she did a great job and i just saw the results now i am so overwhelmed and very grateful to all the awesome people that voted for me. Thank you very much :)

Thank you so much for your vote and your wonderful comment. I totally agree with you: @flamingirl had a veey hard job picking the finalists. It is a long time since I saw such wonderful entries in a contest.

I have enjoyed seeing so many amazing entries for this contest and the finalists are all amazing and deserving winners but Since you asked i will give my thought so the top 3

1 @roxy-cat
2 @nelinoeva

  1. @hangin

WOW that was so hard to pick three they are all wonderful images

Thank you @tattoodjay for your vote and support. It means a lot to me.

Most welcome it s such a beautiful image

Thank you @tattoodjay for your vote much appreciated :)

Welcome my friend it was well deserved of a bite I decided to be impartial when picking who to vote for so only looked at the names after making my picks

You made the right choices my friend , thank you :)

Not sure if there is a right or wrong in this case I just picked my favorites, and my bias for blues came out I think LOL

You go with your feeling it always works :)

I know i had to as well as when I looked at the names i knew I think 4 of the finalists so was fair to just vote on the ones i liked the image not the people

Thank you, @tattoodjay. I'm glad you liked my photo, it means a lot coming from such a talented photographer as yourself. 🙂

Your photo was beautiful and well deserving of a vote

This is the first time I have seen this contest, I wish I had earlier so I could participate. I love flowers and appreciate good photography, I can't wait for the next one so I can join in...

My top 3 vote -

1st @nelinoeva - photography is visual, we all know the saying 'the first bite is with the eye" and this is the most visually pleasing of all the finalists, and it has such a sweet story to go with it.

2nd & 3rd were a tough choice as both share equal visual merits, so being that this is a flowerpower contest, my 2nd place vote goes to @roxy-cat for selecting a flower with such a strong history, and so many uses including health benefits for humans and animals alike, this really is a flower with a lot of power.

So 3rd place goes to @sunscape for originality and uniqueness.

Thanks for reading and considering my vote, I look forward to joining in the next flowerpower challenge :)

This such a nice comnent! Thank you very much for your vote! ❤

You're very welcome, you earned it 😀

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Thank you for your vote, @moz333. And for the beautiful comment. Looking forward to see some of your flower photos. 🙂

Every flower chosen as a winner is extraordinary in its own way. I love them all and am having a very hard time deciding on my favorite.

The first choice is @nelinoeva I love how the angle of the flower draws you into the center and the shimmering petals, well, so beautiful.

Second choice I adore lilies and I love the variety that @hangin entered. They are so colorful against the green foliage. Great entry worthy of the win.

Third choice is @manuel82 I love the way his macro shot captures the fuzzy aspects of the flowers. The clusters of stars just adds to the fun in this photo, congrats to him for his win.

Thank you @sunscape for your lovely comment and vote. Greatly appreciated!

You're very welcome, it is a great photo

Thank you @sunscape for your comment

Thank you for vote @sunscape much appreciated :)

Congratulations to all deserving flower power. I had my all the days entry but not good I know compared to the real photograph. Anyway, thank you for initiating this @flamingirl.

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It was a very tough contest but you also presented some very lovely flowers and it was nice to see you amongst all these great photographers but never discourage yourself i have seen some great photos from you and i know you never give up trying and hey if you don't mind please give us your top three flowers that you like it would be most appreciated by everyone my friend...Thank you and have a great day :)

I'm sure I will upvote you and choose yours. The most important things here is not just you earned yourself but interacting is the most graceful part of the contest. And I like you every time l rendered comments, you catch me up and feeling proud though.

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Thank you @olivia08 for your kind words and this is true we are here to enjoy , have fun and also to gain confidence to improve ourselves and you are certainly doing that my friend...Cheers :)

Yes Sir!

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Hi @flamingirl,

Firstly I would like to thank you for the amazing opportunity to share floral photos. I really missed a photo competition with such a sweet theme. 🙂
Secondly, thank you for picking my photo among the finalists.

And now, since you asked for our opinion, these are my top three choice (although, all entries are simply amazing).
@nelinoeva and her linseed flower - Neli managed to photograph such a delicate and ephemeral flower. The details are also stunning.
@yetaras and the blue wild flower - leaving aside the quality of the photo, this wonderful blue hepatica flower reminds me of the forests I have around my hometown...it reminds me of home.
@hangin and the oriental lily - once again our friend makes our hearts tremble with his beautiful flower photos. This time he brings to our attention an universal symbol of beauty but also a powerful expression of wealth. And the photo quality is also good. 🙂

Good luck to all!!!

Thank you so much for your vote and kind words very much appreciated @roxy-cat :)

You are more than welcome, my friend! And I had a feeling you will win. Congrats! 🙂
The next one is mine. 😂

It was a surprise really i had no idea i would win this you had my heart throbbing i honestly thought you would take this one out well hopefully the next one will be yours my friend :)

It doesn't matter as long as it's one of us. 😂
See? I told you sometimes it only takes a flower to win a lady. 😉

What a sweet comment Roxy, thank you very much for your vote and support!

Congrats winners!!

My vote goes to @hangin @yetaras @nelinoeva.. goodluck!

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Thank you so much for your vote @maquemali very much appreciated :)

No problem at all! You all deserve it.. lovely!

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Thank you very much for your vote 😀

No problem! You deserve it!

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Excellent selections for the final round
I vote for below participants in order

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Thank you very much for your vote @pradeepdee6 :)

Congratulations to the winners..
Thank you all to show us these beautiful and fantastic Flowers <3

Thank you so much @zpzn for your vote :)

Yw.. @hangin :)

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Thank you @flamingirl for hosting this beautiful contest. I am thrilled to be among the winners.
My vote goes to:

Thank you so much @nelinoeva very much appreciated :)

Thank you, my dear! 😘

I thank all for the support! I also congratulate all the winners!

Congrats to all the winners here. All these flowers are so beautiful. I particularly like @roxy-cat. I love the blending color of the entire flower, from petals to the buds that shoot up. You can tell I love purple. It is a royal color that deserves attention.

Thank you, @rosatravels. I'm glad I brought you joy with this photo. 🙂

Ahhhh...you are giving us the most challenging job here @flamingirl well here i go...My three favorite flowers are first @roxy-cat with the most beautiful Chicory flower i have ever seen and i love the color blue so appealing it's one of my favorite colors and not only can humans enjoy this beautiful flower but it's ever a great eatable protein for the livestock a very useful flower indeed.

My second pick is the gorgeous flower from @nelinoeva i love the texture and color of this flower ever though it doesn't stay around long this flower looks so elegant , radiant and delicate that you don't want it to leave your sight.

And my third and final pick is the flower from @sunscape this flower is amazing never have seen this color before it's like a big green traffic light bouncing out at you such a beautifully structured flower by mother nature.

Best of luck to everyone and thank you @flamingirl for bringing this awesome contest to us all :)

Congratulations for the nomination, my friend! And thank you for voting for my chicory. 🙂

Thank you and my pleasure and thanks for your vote my friend :)

Thank you for your nice comment and vote:-)

You are so welcome and a pleasure my friend :)

Hi @hangin, thank you for the vote for the contest. It was so much fun entering and especially to be chosen from so many wonderful entries. I voted for you as well as I just adore lilies. Best of luck on this one. ♥

My pleasure and thank you so much for your vote may the best flower win but to me we are already all winners...lol :)

We certainly are all winners and I had fun with the challenge too.

We certainly are and i enjoyed it very much :)

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I like all bir my favourite one is number 4. Thank you for this valuable post.

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Great selection 😎 my vote goes to @sunscape 😁🤘 good luck 🍀

Thank you so much tinebrezpike for the vote. ♥

Wow, that's a nice collection of flowers. I vote for @hanging, @sunscape and @roxy-cat. All the best to everyone.

Thank you so much for the vote @himalayanomad

You're welcome :)

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Thank you for your vote, @himalayannomad. 🙂

Most welcome, you deserved it. Chicory is beautiful and strong.

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Thank you @himalayannomad for your vote much appreciated :)

You're most welcome. I like that hybrid lily. It's so different and unique. I've never seen anything like that.

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Thank you i do think it must have been cross breed with another hybrid lily cause i have never seen that mix of color either :)

Howdy there flamingirl! My top three are @hangin, @nelinoeva, and @manuel82. But everyone did a wonderful job!

Thank you @janton for your vote, very much appreciated!

you are very welcome nelinoeva, I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with your posts, I've been working outside on our property since spring got here and I've fallen behind! But I'll drop in when I can.

Always welcome to drop in, but please do not worry.:-)

Thank you sir janton for your vote much appreciated :)

They are all great entries, so it's a tough choice indeed! If I have to select top 3, they will be:
@yetaras - Hepatica nobilis
@hangin - hybrid Lily
@roxy-cat - Cichorium intybus

Thank you for your vote, @itchyfeetdonica. Much appreciated. 🙂

Thank you @itchyfeetdonica for your vote very much appreciated :)

Thank you for supporting me, I really appreciate it!

Thank you Denise ❤

Congratulations @flamingirl!
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