photo taken by @cekismail
Hi steemians...
This is the flower of a tiger jacket that spoils our eyes, why this flower is called a tiger jacket because the line or black dot present in this flower is similar to the black dot present in the skin or the color of the tiger's fur. Tiger flower jacket is very popular among flower lovers.
Inilah bunga jaket harimau yang memanjakan mata kita, kenapa bunga ini disebut atau diberi nama bunga jaket harimau karena bunganya yang sedikit loreng loreng yang menyamai kulit atau warna bulu harimau. Bunga jaket harimau sangat populer dikalangan pecinta bunga.
photo taken by @cekismail
And this flower is also called the tiger's tail, whatever the name is certainly this flower is still very beautiful flowers and much used as a home or home ornament flowers. And all the above photos are my own work, this photo photo I took with my own hp camera.
Dan bunga ini ada juga yang menamakan bunga ekor harimau, apapun namanya yang pasti bunga ini tetaplah bunga yang sangat indah dan banyak dijadikan sebagai bunga hiasan rumah atau halaman rumah. Dan semua foto diatas adalah hasil karya saya sendiri, foto foto ini saya ambil dengan kamera hp saya sendiri.
hope you all love it and help this beginner succeed with his own work.
beautiful flower,I like it