Delicious night (Polianthes tuberosa, Malay: bitch night) is Evergreen of the Agavaceae. Oil from these flowers used in making perfume. The name of this plant shows that tuberosa has Corm (tuber). Currently known about 12 species of the genus Polianthes. Regular night blooming flower Tuberose in the evening. The plant is expected to come from Mexico. Astek nation knew him by the name of omixochitl, "flower bones".
The name of this flower in the eastern part of India was ratkirani, which means "Queen of the night". In Singapore it is called xinxiao, meaning "place of the moths rested". In Persia, the flower is called Mary, which is the common name for girls. The flowers are also used in Hawaii to bride and first in era of Viktoria flower used as a cemetery. Fragrant flowers is described as a complex, exotic, sweet, floral. This plant grows up to 45 cm long and produce clumps of white flowers. The leaves are long and colored light green that accumulates at the base of the stem. The genus of plants is still closely related to Manfreda.
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