One of the late spring, summer and fall showstopping plants showing its face all around southern Florida is the angels trumpet Brugmansia angel’s trumpet) is the queen when it comes to plants with evening fragrance. Easily grown in a container, this tropical-looking, tender shrub from Brazil easily can top 10 feet tall. It features huge, hanging tubular flowers that come in a variety of colors and flavor summer nights with intoxicating fragrance.
Angel's trumpet Datura suaveolens
Angel trumpet flower plant
Enchanting Angel's Trumpet
Angels trumpet return of blooms
Close Up Of The Brugmansia Flower
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Absolutely fabulous thank you. We had one in our garden in South London and it grew outside in the summer even with British weather! I shall post a picture of it as I thought it was quite exotic. I'm afraid yours puts the one I called Orange Bell Flower quite in the shade. Keep on growing them. JV
Thank you for stopping in, just started following you... Hope you will do the same @mannyfig1956
Already following JV
great post^^, followed u and upvoted some of your posts can u do that to for me pls :)
Thank you for stopping in, just started following you... Hope you will do the same @mannyfig1956
Jako nevrijeme stiže u Srbiju! Grmece na sve strane, usledice mrak u Srbiji, a evo kad počinje kiša ☔.
By: Nermin Black Redzic © Više na ▶ ▶ ▶
Hope we all have a blessed day @mannyfig1956
Wow, these are such vibrant datura! We have very mild looking ones here in Hawaii