Benefits of roses

in #flowers7 years ago

Among the many types of flowers then the Roses especially red roses are arguably the most famous. This is not apart from its beautiful and wonderful and since time immemorial had already made a symbol of love and beauty. So red the rose is often an option for many men when gift-giving at her partner. But it turns out red roses also has many benefits for health, beauty, and the economy include:
"Increase metabolism" not only beautiful flowers red roses can also be consumed and bring many benefits to health. One of them is to increase the body's metabolism.
"Disposing of toxins from the body of "the foods we eat, the air we breathe, as well as exposure to other substances cannot be guaranteed 100% free of toxins. There are many toxins that accumulate in our bodies which if left can harm health. To get rid of these toxins in our bodies can take advantage of the roses red.
Lose weight "by taking a handful of kelopakbunga red roses can make the stomach feel full so that can reduce appetite. It is certainly very good for those of you who want to lose weight. In addition to the directly consumed red roses can also be consumed by way of drinking water rebusannya.
Good for sexual activity Consumes red rose petals directly are also useful to increase sexual arousal and increase energy so that sexual activity you also get better and quality.
Overcoming stress and depression Aroma sari Red Roses also have sedative or calming effect so that it can be used to relieve stress and depression. The easiest way at once fun is by incorporating a number of red rose petals into the warm water used for bathing or showering. The scent of Red Roses will come out and inhaled during soaking so as to help cope with stress and depression.
Overcome the symptoms of hemorrhoids red roses have fiber and high water so that if taken would help cleanse the digestive tract of toxins. How to make potions from a handful of rose petals mixed with 50 ml of water to cook and then crushed until smooth to be condensed potions. This herb is taken for 3 days in a row before eating or when the bowels are empty.
Addressing the irritation to sensitive skin sensitive skin vulnerable Owners experiencing irritation due to the use of cosmetic products. To overcome this we can use the water the Roses Red bark that is experiencing a healthy irritation back.
Tackling oily skin oily skin Owners can also use red rose flower water to address the excess oil on the skin of his face. Red rose flower water which can balance oil levels on the skin of the face.




good find, thats all i could say

Thank you very much killythirsk

you are welcome

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