meruapakan is indeed the plant Flower is very beautiful and interesting. Moreover, if the flowers are blooming, it will definitely make the surroundings become beautiful and looks very attractive.
If most of the flower bloom in the morning or in the afternoon, but this time there were some flowers that only bloom at night and will soon wither in a few hours. Whoa, if bloom at night then how such interest can be seen in its beauty by man?
Well, that's the one who is still in question? But, surely penasarankan any flowers that bloom at night? Yuk, just us refer to the following, as reported by
- Casablanca Lily flowers
Lily is a plant that is often used as an ornament in gardens until the preserved through painting as well. If in Indonesia it is called lily with Lily, who had flower buds resembling a ball. It is the flower which blooms only dude at night, if the finger during the lily will be menguncup and is covered by the kuncupnya.
- Flowers Gladiolus night
Gladiolus flower night South Africa origin is interest which later spread to Asia in the year 2000 's. it has a Flower fresh and smell can last for 5-10 day, and also the old can survive bungan. But alas, people can only enjoy this moment bungan at night only.
3 the flowers of the month
Moon flower plants native to tropical and subtropical regions in North and South America. This flower can grow wild in the area of the United States, in the State of Florida. However, this month's flower bloom seasonally and require special care to make it bloom.
- water lily (Lotus)
Water lily or Lotus flower is a flower that blooms at night. These flowers have a beauty that is not inferior to other flowers, in addition, the Lotus Flower also has a very pungent aroma. So, you can menciup the aroma of fresh though not closely.
- night of the Roses
The rose is the flower of the night that only blooms at night and these flowers can blossom to perfection for less than a minute. This evening of roses spread over various parts of North and South America. The color of the Roses this evening very varied ranging from yellow, red, and white.
Well, that's her fifth interest only bloom at night.
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