Mechelia Champaka

in #flowers8 years ago

Hallo Stemian's

Flower Jeumpa or Cempaka Kuning which has a latin name Mechelia Champaka is a wealth of rencong ground flora and mascot for Aceh, so special that an Acehnese artist made a song titled Bungong Jeumpa to better represent the beauty of this unique flower shape of Aceh this one. Jeumpa flowers grow tall with a size of 3-6 meters, bright yellow flowers, some are cream or white. The size of the flowers is rather large, the strands of the petals are arranged into strands somewhat, the fruit of this flower is brownish and often used as ingredients to make perfume



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To cultivate this flower, you just need to plant seeds, it will then grow about 3 months later and start flowering after the plant is approximately 5 years old. In addition to the ingredients of perfume, sometimes Jeumpa flowers used as a mixture to make traditional drinks, good news again, this interest is still a lot we meet because of the habitat is still thriving and many people who like to plant this Jeumpa flowers to be maintained and dikembangbiakkan to be used as a collection