Hi there!
Today, I am sharing the real wild wildflowers picked last Sunday. The last time we went to the same place to walk Lily, I did not notice that the thistles were about to bloom. They have those round buds that seemed to be composed of so many tiny flower similar to that of the onion flower. I wanted to bring home a few and tried to break a stem, but outsch! There had been so many spikes and I did not have gardening gloves to hold them. So I left them and returned a week later.
Yes, I decided to cut them a week after armed with gloves and cutter last Sunday. I picked all other wildflowers every step of the way to have accent on the arrangement. The ones with the blues are always present in the areas and they have spikes too. That is perhaps the reason why they are not attacked by the slugs and only the bees, butterflies and other insects visit those blue flowers for the nectar. Thre nature´s ecosystem is still well-balanced in that area.

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Aray ko, matinik pala yan.... but it´s amazingly beautiful, I would probably have a difficult time to arrange those flowers! You`ve done a good job!
Thanks @ncyrus... it was ok because I was wearing gloves and I was careful.
Wildflowers in perfect arrangement. Love it!
Many Thanks @fhe... trying my best.
Thank you. And how do you find my arrangement?
Wow ang ganda tita 😍😍😍
Thank you darling...
Wow nice it’s really lovely like you....