How to protect Mum, baby and the family during FLU season 💜

in #flu6 years ago (edited)

FLU season is upon us and so is the rolling out of the flu vaccination ❗️


Information you should know about the vaccination:

The flu spray that is offered within the U.K. is called FLUENZTETRA and is given to children from ages 2 to 18.

There is also a flu injection that is offered during pregnancy, to those aged over 18-65, those that are immunocomprimised and those aged over 65. The actual one administered varies from individual group, please see the link below for further details:

❗️The spray should not be given if your child is asthmatic.
❗️The spray should not be given if your child is vegan, or vegetarian or your religion does not allow animal products
❗️The spray should not be given if you are pregnant or breastfeeding
❗️The spray should not be given if your child already has a cold or flu

Please READ the manufacturers warning ⚠️ taken from the website




The FLUENZTETRA also contains 4 strains of flu including swine flu (H1N1)

Most people that opt to get the flu spray/injection and have not researched any further (the side effects, ingredients, the shedding period or even the likeliness of passing the mutated strain of flu onto others, including those that are immunocompromised)

Here is the manufacturers full vaccine insert:

❗️Figures from last year indicate that the flu vaccine was less than 15% effective across all age groups


When you weigh up the risks of the side effects, severe adverse reactions and what is in the ingredients....surely prevention and keeping a healthy immune system is much safer!

✅ Elderberry syrup
✅ High dose vit c
✅ A healthy diet will keep those germs at bay!
✅ Fresh air
✅ A good nights sleep

Flu can be prevented, Flu can be treated - but most importantly keep your immune system healthy!

Keep those flu/cold germs away with the help of Elderberry syrup....

If you have the time you can make your own, or buy ready made elderberry syrup.

However I have chosen to take the easy route and less expensive than shop bought.

So for anyone that is:

1: pushed for time
2: do not trust themselves to pick the correct berries
3: worried about spiders/ bugs

(I am 1 and 2 🤣)

I have used shop bought syrup in the past, but since researching have found that the actual Elderberry content isn’t that great and sometimes has too much added sugar (although it still did a great job last year)

Anyway, I have now bulk purchased Biona 100% organic cold pressed Super Eldeberry juice (with absolutely nothing else added 😊


I emailed Biona to ask about their pasteurisation process. Their reply was:

“The juice has been pasteurised at 80-90°C for 15 seconds.”

Add raw honey to the super juice and bottle required amount . VOILA!

You can also just drink the juice straight from the bottle. However adding ingredients such as raw local honey will not only sweeten the juice but also add antibacterial properties too.

🤧 Dosage:

It is recommend 1 tablespoon daily for adults, and 1 teaspoon daily for children over one years old to help boost the immune system year round.

If you are feeling sick or have the flu, increase dosage to 1-2 tablespoons every 3-4 hours up to 4 times per day (for children over one use 1-2 teaspoons).

Why not exceed 4 times a day? Among the many benefits, elderberries are also a mild diarhetic, and may cause unintended side effects if taken.

Research indicates that Elderberry syrup is safe to take during pregnancy / breastfeeding and is also safe for children over 12 months.

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

The actual one administered varies from individual group, please see the link below for futher details:.
It should be further instead of futher.

Thank you so much for posting this out! 🙏