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RE: The One - Two Punch. Aluminum and Sodium Fluoride Toxicity.

in #fluoride7 years ago

Hi @fracasgrimm :-) Wow, couldn't have said it better! The rich and powerful have turned this planet into a cesspool, and we are treated to a wide variety of toxic waste as a thank you for being good citizens. The government wants us to go by... see something, say something about terrorism, so I am calling them on their BS. It is a sad state of affairs that our (s)elected leaders are bought and sold on a daily basis by corporations and lobbyists. Time to clean house!

Have a great day. :-)


I fear the next generation may not have the same healthy paranoia about these issues like some of us. The dumbing down and graying of everyone to be a soft politically correct zombie horde is the result they want with the rest who would speak and act against gone. Gone is faith in the government a their credibility is gone. We as the people have the most power and need to hold our supposed leaders feet to fire or dispose of them. Clean house or tear it down and rebuild.

Indeed, the follow the herd mentality that is being pushed out as the mainstream pc thing to have, is a travesty. Thinking for oneself, and questioning the actions of those that "govern" should be the highest priority on everyone's to do list. :-)