
@bearone I saw in your post where you mentioned so I configured an account stormuk69 the same as here :-)
Drop me a PM in the chat

Yay!!! When I looked for you last weekend steemit chat didnt have your name registered. Ill come and stalk you sometime today 👍

What server, palnet?

Ohhh there are other servers? Looks like i tagged the right person. Thanks @ryivhnn xx

I'm on steemtrail (which I don't really pay attention to at all), PAL (where I only ever talk on the TeamAus channel XP) and another one started up by another minnow called Be Awesome. So yes there's more servers, I don't know how many more XD

Has the problem been resolved?

@bearone - @ryivhnn - It's on the PAL Discord. Whenever I try to click on the links it says the invite is invalid or expired. After reading up it appears to happen when you are banned. Being as though I got kicked I assumed it was down to this ?

This is one of the links.