I also agree with this point. When I first started on the platform, I found that I was making much more money than I am now with triple the followers. I think it may be due to the followers that I gained. Many like to comment on my post asking for votes or to visit their page. I'm always on the hunt for good content, and sometimes it pops up here and there. I was kind of hoping that this post wood get more into the specifics of the benefits for each proposed way to gain followers, and what stake they have in the platform.
You gained another follower.
Yeah, the followers who comment just for votes can be annoying. I haven't gotten an overwhelming amount, but they're a pain. Look for the ones that actually come back and comment each time. Those are the ones with which to build relationships.
I would like to dig deeper into how following works and how to gain followers. This discussion has inspired me to research share my findings. Thanks for your feedback.
true. gain quality followers and you will have a better outcome. be as real as possible.