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RE: make a better content

in #followers8 years ago

Of course you make sense @playfulfoodie!

Whatever "scheme" was here, it works the same as those solicitations I get on twitter: "We can get you 10,000 followers for just $49.95!"

Of COURSE they can.

They go to Amazon Mechanical Turk and post a "job" called "Make 25 Cents for Following 100 People on Twitter!" The poster PAYS $25.00 for the "work" and RECEIVES $49.95 for delivering 10K "followers." It's basically a scam, as most of those followers are either bots or fake accounts that exist for no reason other than to "follow" people.

P.S.: Great comment-- why not save it, and get a cheetah "exemption" to copy and paste on appropriate posts/comments like that without being flagged for copying.


Thanks @denmarkguy! I was actually thinking about copying this onto other such posts, so it's in its own txt file now. I haven't yet stumbled upon another one of these posts yet though. Luckily, they are a lot rarer for me to find than the regular beggar comments :-)