I thought it was just an over-powered weight-loss pill. I was wrong. It is that, yes, but it's so much more.
It not only puts your metabolism into hyper drive, it also gives you extreme amounts of energy. That's what I thought, at least, when I started using it. I was so filled with energy every day that I couldn't believe how much weight I had already lost: over 245 Lbs! I became an advocate and marketer of the stuff, spending as much as I was earning just to keep my supplies in order and to keep myself up with my own supplies.
The problem, though, was that people became quickly addicted to the pills and would do just about anything to get them. Now people were all over the place, and nobody seems able to focus, except for the few strange people that stay away from it.
Those, we call Slow-Mos. Or, at least, we used to.
Now, though, I can already feel it kicking in again.
I feel the pace quicken. I feel my heart pound. I feel the jolts of adrenaline. I feel. I feel. I feel.
So much just wanting to pop out. I need to do something with it. I know, I don't like the way that guy...
I kicked him in the stomach. He was a Slow-Mo. I kept on kicking him. My foot buried deep in his abdomen. I cried. I couldn't stop. The man was just grunting now. The energy slowly seeped out of my system and I could breathe again.
I looked down and closed my eyes, suppressing more tears. This last pill. If I took it, I'm sure I'll die... just like the hundreds of others that had already kicked it. Was I the last one alive? I don't know, but I know what I'm going to do with this pill now.