apples are my favorite fruits. Actually, it help me to weight loss and it gives me lot of energy. Especially it contains many vitamins.
However, could you possibly do a blog on wheat please? there's a lot of back and forth on if it's good or bad now with books like Wheat Belly and Grain Brain suggesting that wheat causes brain damage and has a drug like effect on the body. i personally tried to go wheat free, only by the third day i was suffering from full body shaking, severe joint and muscle pain (the kind that feels like being stabbed), headache, nausea, and blurred vision. i looked it up after going to the ER to find that it's called wheat withdrawal.
i chose to try going wheat free because whenever i ate it (mainly oatmeal) i had chest and abdominal pain that was only relieved through peppermint tea and burping.
Maybe you should blog about it. I don't get too deeply into food posts (mostly just fruits and vegetables). I don't have an opinion on wheat, which may be good for some and not for others.