
I knew you had a Kvass video someplace, I just hadn't run into it yet on Youtube :)

So, this year, our family has had an exchange student from Moldova who speaks Russian (from Transnistria to be more precise). She just flew back home today, but last week I took her to Los Angeles so she could see Hollywood and the beach - things we're lacking here in Kansas. We went to West Hollywood and went to the Odessa Grocery Store, where they had plenty of Kvass and many other things, but I bought a can of Kvass and took it to the beach the next day. Very interesting flavor - almost a molasses flavor I thought. I definitely will try to make it myself now that I've tried it once, so thank you very much for the recipe!

We also went to the Traktir restaurant and had some shashlik, golubtsi, and plenty of kompot.

yeah do it!! sounds good!! and seems like you are a fan of my food :)) love it!!!

This sounds like its great for the liver!

@allasyummyfood, what are some other tips for detoxing?

hahahah :P maybe green juice ? :P lol

Interesing, I like the b-vitamin aspect. May try this!

yeah do it! it takes some time but its worth it!

A delicious drink my dear Alla ... I hope you enjoyed it
Happy day

heheh its good!!!

So Alla, I guess adding 1/2 cup of Vodka to it will not give it the same detox affects? :)

Kvass eh? I'm intrigued....for starters, it starts with a 'K' so every time you pronounce it, that must be good for the throat ;) And since it's jam-packed with B complex vitamins, that's excellent for maintaining neural function, reducing inflammation and of course giving you that Alla-like ethereal glow!

I can dig it - this doc approves!

heheh yeah its really good!! thanks doctor!

Anytime Alla! You bring the food and I'll evaluate its nutritional content - we'll make a great team :D

hahah sounds good ;) dream team !

You betcha - the AA dream team! So don't be a stranger and follow me as I create even more awesome content ;)

I love kvass! This is one of the few things I miss from my home country, Russia. I tried making it at home one summer, but it just wasn't the same…

The best kvass I had was in Lithuania, in Kaunas. And nowadays they're selling very tasty ‘live’ kvass (non-pasterised, with living bifido-bacteria) in Ukraine.

yeah it will never be the same, but its a close version, you should try!!

Kvass - an excellent drink, in the summer we constantly drink it

ehehe yeah its really good!!

Delicious! I would love to have one :)

heheh yeah its ok :)))

I hope to taste it sometime: D

yeah you should ;)