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RE: Lemon & Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Pound Cake (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

in #food8 years ago

Those pictures are amazing! Once I have a better camera I'm coming to visit you for a crash course hehe! But first get a camera... Cambodia is a bit behind on its photo equipment.... time for a trip to Hong Kong or Bangkok I would say! have a great week!


Ahh, crash course, we can do that. I don't know that I could teach very well, but the experience would be a ton of fun!

A trip to Hong Kong, or Bangkok. Either sound amazing. If it happens, it will make amazing post(s)

So far from all the cities we have been to I like Hong Kong the most! And I'm sure you'll be a good teacher ღ

My Dad has been to both Hong Kong and Bangkok. It was 30 years ago, but he said that he'd much rather go to Hong Kong. He said it was one of his favorites.

Here's hoping for some teaching time in the future

Hehe and your dad is so right! Hong Kong rocks! If it wasn't so expensive I would love to live there for a while. Have been to Bangkok a few times... though I always had great fun since we met up with friends, I'm not wild about the city! Have a great week ღ ღ ღ