mie aceh putra dua/Aceh Noodle putra dua

in #food8 years ago

mie aceh.jpg
(sub eng)

(sub indo)
mie aceh putra dua rasanya sangat enak dan nikmat, sangat cocok untuk jadi menu makan malam.
jika anda menginginkan nya cukup datang aja kemari selain enak harganya juga ekonomis, untuk porsi mie biasa Rp. 6000, mie + udang Rp 15000 dan mie + kepiting = tergantung kepitingnya sebesar apa. untuk ukuran kepiting normal cukup membayar Rp. 20000. alamatnya dijalan medan-banda aceh, desa cot trueng cafe uroe malam putra dua.

mie aceh.jpg
(sub eng)
Two boys aceh noodle taste very good and delicious, very suitable for so dinner menu.
If you want it enough to come here besides tasty the price is also economical, for the portion of regular noodles Rp. 6000, noodle + shrimp Rp 15000 and noodles + crab = depending on what kind of crab. For the size of normal crab enough to pay Rp. 20000. the address is in the field of aceh banda, village cot trueng cafe uroe night son two.

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Saya suka mie. Tetapi saya tidak tahu dimana mie putra dua. semoga mie laris manis yang membawa hati manis. mari kita saling kerjasama.

itu ada alamatnya

Look goods..noodle and krab..that you sure that right? BTW.. nice post

hana pakat le lon pajoh mie jino euh

jeut kajak kenoe ju, jioh that aceh teming hahaahahaa
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