Summer blessings :D

in #food8 years ago

So excited to share my favorite summer foods with this community!

This is my staple food, my go-to during the hot summer days!

The first picture is my favorite food and fruit of all time - figs <3

This is what I had for breakfast yesterday :D watermelon

...and for the end... pineapple!

This one is not ready yet, you can tell by the green color ;)

...but that's OK, I'm gonna practice my patience ;)

I hope you enjoyed these summer blessings!




Yumm, I love Figs and well, to be totally honest I think I love all fruits lol. When I was little there was an enormous fig tree in the back of our property in Cuba. I used to gorge on them so bad as a kid. I never forgot how good they where. They would get so big and ripe that they would crack on the skin and ants would try to eat them up. I would just brush the ants off and continue eating them lol.