One of my favorite fruits of all time is definitely watermelon. So sweet but healthy! Full of water and it comes in the perfect time of the year when we need that extra hydration. Beautiful color inside and out. Crisp and easy to eat tons of.
I love to eat it first thing in the morning. Since it is full of fiber it aids digestion, so it is much smarter to eat it early in the day then after heavy afternoon meals when it can make you bloated.

I love fruits that I can count them when I am eating. Such as watermelon :)
Great! :) One more watermelon lover!
I agree! Watermelon is one of my favorites as well!
Yey! There's more of us! :) :)
And its great for summer when you lose a lot of fluid! Yummie!
True that! :) healthy and so yummy!