Hi stemians ..
There is a cassava at home do not know what will be processed so what ??
Here I give the recipe, good luck.
- 1 kg of Cassava
- Salt to taste
- Wheat flour
- Bread crumbs
- Cooking oil
- Chocolate, cheese, jam (for toppings, to taste)
How to make:
- Peel the cassava first, then steam until cooked.
- Cassava that has been steamed then mashed until smooth.
- Shape dough-round or according to taste, set aside.
- Take flour several tablespoons, dilute.
- Prepare the bread flour in a container.
- Dip the dough into the flour dough, pick it up.
- Then roll into bread.
- Prepare fryers with oil to taste, wait until the oil is hot. Then fry it until it turns golden yellow. Lift, then drain.
- Then give topping according to taste.
Hai stemians..
Ada ubi dirumah terus nggak tau mau diolah jadi apa??
Ini aku kasih resepnya, selamat mencoba.
- 1 kg Ubi
- Garam secukupnya
- Tepung terigu
- Tepung roti
- Minyak goreng
- Coklat, keju, selai (untuk topping, menurut selera)
Cara Membuat:
- Kupas ubi terlebih dahulu, kemudian kukus sampai matang.
- Ubi yang sudah di kukus kemudian tumbuk hingga halus.
- Bentuk adonan bulat-bulat atau sesuai selera, sisihkan.
- Ambil tepung terigu beberapa sendok makan, encerkan.
- Siapkan tepung roti dalam wadah.
- Celupkan adonan ke dalam adonan tepung terigu, angkat.
- Kemudian gulingkan kedalam tepung roti.
- Siapkan penggorengan dengan minyak secukupnya, tunggu sampai minyak panas. Kemudian goreng hingga berubah menjadi kuning keemasan. Angkat, lalu tiriskan.
- Lalu beri topping sesuai selera.
Terima kasih utk resepnya...
Selamat mencoba ya