Martabak durian Samudera Pasee, this delicious culinary food will be the target of visitors if passing through the national road Medan-Banda Aceh.
Camera Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 (Photos By @armiden)
Martabak durian Samudera Pasee has been around since 1980, originally the owner of martabak stall is Tgk. H. Muhammad Rashid started culinary business just by making regular egg martabak, but over time the owner innovate make martabak durian.
Now the owner has died, but the culinary business has been passed on to the child to develop as it is today,
How to make it easy, with durian fruit of choice then the durian meat is separated from the seeds and then wrapped with flour dough that has been formed, then cooked with butter.
Visitors who come not only from Aceh alone, even from Sumatra to Java Island have visited the location of martabak durian culinary, the price is affordable for one serving or one pack sold at a price of seven thousand rupiah.
Camera Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 (Photos By @armiden)
The owner of Amir Hamzah's shop said the durian martabak is a legacy from his parents, the durian martabak was found by his parents since 1980, first processed for himself, then after a new try dipasarakan since 1980, this time his father's legacy. has rea# headerped huge profits to spend 500 packets per day.
Camera Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 (Photos By @armiden)

Woow..Amazing food photography ..I like it..Thanks for sharing this post...Best of luck.
thank you verry much
hawa teuh
menyoe hawa jak laju u geudong
yes i like durian
Sangaaat sedap rasa martabak durian
thank you
Martabak duren....tijoh air liur kita ingat kuliner yg satu ini. Pajan kita Jak kesana makan bersama...?
Jeut malam2 tajak bak leubeh seru