Sushi Friend's Date Food Porn!

in #food7 years ago (edited)

One of my favorite things to go out to eat is sushi! I love yellowtail sashimi, miso soup and tempura rolls the best! And those were just among the many rolls I ordered!
And me and my friend (yes it was only us two girls, lol) washed all that down with this!
I can say it was a lovely friend date!

Do you like sushi?


This reminded me of this.

I need to be turned into such right now

I think we could all use a little time as sushi. mental hug - grabs blanket - starts lifting you into place - you start to giggle

You’re the best 💜

Only fish I like is fried panfish (i.e. bluegill, perch, crappie, etc). Hubby, however, would definitely have tried most if not all of those beautiful bites.

I have a feeling there was a lots of giggling accompanying the meal...

It was definitely a great time, and yes lots of sake and beer induced giggles 💜

I can’t bring myself to eat Sushi, but my niece loves it!

I know a lot of people don't :) And thank you so much for the book recommendation really! I am going to order that one soon!

Hell yes girl friend bring it on! Love me some yellow tail, and the rolls look delicious. 🐓 Where is the chicken roll? 😉

Googley was in the bathroom trying to see if her flip phone got signal there lol

I remember years ago she was trying to use her answering machine to play her “Herb Alfred” cassettes!

She needs meds lol

you are so handsome <3 and delicious food :)

I'm obsessed with sushi. It's bad. lol

Oh me too friend, me too lol

Sushi is so pretty but I can't eat it. I barely like cooked fish. Here in the mountains I wasn't raised to eat much fish. It's a pretty food to look at though.

Oh I totally understand, my grandmother hates anything from the ocean. Sushi is the only way I will eat fish. Not fried, not tuna or any other way. But I do like seafood.

“Yes! Yes! There's the attitude. Where was that girl during the race? Off getting sushi?”
― Doug Solter, Skid

Yes, it sounds like a great friend date!

MF that looks good! My personal favorite is places with good roe that pops in your teeth😀