Why is pineapple on pizza so controversial?

in #food8 years ago

Pineapple is frowned upon by serious pizza makers/eaters for two reasons:

1.It's an extremely wet fruit and too much moisture in pizza toppings will ruin the crust (saturate it and make it soggy and flaccid)

2.It's over the top sweetness does not pair well with traditional skim milk mozzarella or buffalo mozzarella. Both of those cheeses have about the same salt content as other cheeses but have a much more subtle flavor than say, cheddar.

3.Pineapple is difficult to grow and harvest (one plant, two years) and therefore expensiv* iteme putting it beyond the means of common people for regular consumption. Footnote : During the Georgian era, ship expeditions brought back this exotic fruit and its plants to England and they were highly prized because they were so rare. Serving one was extremely special and this kind act became embodied in Georgian architecture. Today when you see a pineapple carving above a door or on a newel post, it's a sign of gracious welcome.



So, what do you like? Pineapple or no Pineapple?

Hawaiin Pizza is one of my favorites.

I love pineapple +/- pizza :D

I like pineapple with Canadian Bacon on my pizza...sometimes. But usually I'd just go with everything except pineapple and anchovies.

It's moisture content is certainly a problem, but that's up to the pizza maker to counter. A good pizza maker should be able to deal with it, either by separating it from the base better, removing excess liquid first, or adding the pineapple later in the cooking process even.

I agree that it doesn't pair well with those cheeses, which is why I use a cheese that matches better with the pineapple when I'm using it. Having a Chedder or similar, and then maybe some parmesan gives the salt content, the cheese content, but doesn't have the problems of the cheese flavour being overpowered by the pineapple. Also, if the pineapple is the dominant flavour, you might be using too much of it.

As for point 4, many ingredients are difficult to grow in some areas, and expensive. I don't see why that should exclude them from being on a pizza. It's a cheaper ingredient than say, pulled pork, which seems to be quite a popular topping currently. And certainly cheaper than king prawns and I'm not sure where pizza would be without prawns. Not that it's a common regular topping, but I've had truffle on pizza also, and saffron used for flavouring some things on it. Pizzas aren't just cheap food anymore.

Sure, i'm pro-pineapple. But like most things it doesn't belong on every pizza, just like anchovies or olives don't.

The trick to pineapple on pizza is use drained tidbits or fresh pineapple if you have access at home. The science behind it is having the pieces smaller allows more surface area per amount of pineapple you use so more moisture can evaporate while in the oven off the pieces. The absolute most important part is you place the pineapple on last or on top of everything else, at least on top of the cheese! You'll never have a problem with the crust getting soggy. This is how we do it at a big chain pizza place I won't name here. We use a conveyer oven heated to about about 480 degrees Fahrenheit. The pizzas come out in 8 minutes and 50 seconds. The majority of the logo is the color red though, that's all I'm saying.
An old friend of mine that owned a small pizzeria used to dab the top of the pizza with Bounty brand paper towels ( "has to be Bounty", he said) to soak up the moisture on pizzas especially with mushrooms and/or pineapple toppings BEFORE you he cut the pizza. That way the water didn't run down the cuts.

The reason behind why pineapple is so controversial on pizza is because pineapple is considered to be used in deserts and pizza is not a desert. That is why some people put their nose up on it. I like to experiment with toppings on pizza BUT to the die hard traditionalist its a NO NO.

I have only 2 posts on here so far, upvote me so I can do the same :)

Canadian bacon, pineapple and jalapenos. #deliciousness