Ordinary products-vegetables, fruits, nuts, juices and berries – are not just our taste preferences. That's what makes us who we are. It also enriches and enriches the elements necessary for life. But what if we make changes to our usual diet? After all, each product is a storehouse of certain substances that affect the body. Our health, well-being and mood depend on what we eat. And the task of each of us is to learn this information and learn how to use it.
Green Radish
It is believed that the birthplace of radish is Egypt, where its seeds were made of vegetable oil, very common in those days. From Egypt radish came to Ancient Greece, and from there – to Europe. Radish was used mainly in the preparation of türi and helped to survive times of famine.
The ancient Greeks and Romans was highly esteemed radish. As the legend tells, when asked about the merits of the plant Apollo, he replied that it is made of as much gold as weighs itself.
Radish roots are rich in minerals, contain on average 13% of dry matter, about 2% protein, 8.4% carbohydrates, vitamins C, B1, B2, organic acids, essential oils and glucosides.
Radish contains carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins, essential oils. In the roots contain up to 90% water, sugar, cellulose, Sulphur-containing substances that determine its anti-bacterial and germicidal properties, acid salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, amino acids, etc. Radish, due to its composition, is very useful in the winter and early spring, in order to Supplement the lack of vitamins and mineral salts in the body. Radish has powerful antimicrobial properties.
In folk medicine, grated radish is used to treat radiculitis. Raw grated radish and its juice is recommended as a means of stimulating appetite, contributing to better emptying of the gallbladder, as well as the expulsion of excess fluid from the body. The radish owes its specific properties to bitter glucosides and aromatic essential oils, which also contribute to the dissolution of stones in urolithiasis.
Even Greek doctors radish treated diseases of the eyes and digestive organs, and the famous Roman historian Pliny and Greek scientist Galen recommended it as a remedy for hemoptysis, kidney disease and to stimulate appetite. In the middle of the century radish with honey was considered the best medicine for many diseases.
These vegetable crops were used as food for treatment in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and from the seeds received oil. Radish and turnips close to it mentions "father of botany" Teofrast Medai. Since antiquity, unanimously noted that radish increases appetite and improves digestion. Doctors of antiquity and the middle ages used radish in diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines, as a means of increasing appetite, to strengthen hair.
Radish increases the formation of bile, stimulates the function of the digestive glands, improves intestinal peristalsis, and has anti-sclerotic properties. These properties allow the use of radish to increase appetite, atony of the intestine, constipation, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.
In our days, the radish juice with honey to successfully get rid of the cough, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, treat bronchitis and whooping cough. When rheumatism and gout with a mixture of radish juice, table salt and vodka relieve joint pain, applying compresses. This is a great tool for edema, urolithiasis, atherosclerosis, anemia. Radish juice has an antiseptic effect. The list of advantages of this truly Golden vegetable can be continued. And provide its medicinal properties of substances such as vitamin C, essential oil with a Sulphur content, Rafael and raphanin, butilhioscina oil and many others.
Radish juice is used for proper functioning of the intestine, to strengthen the hair, radish has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Radish is used to prevent atherosclerosis, edema, bile and urolithiasis.
On the territory of our country radish came from the peoples of Asia and has become one of the favorite vegetables of our ancestors. It was prepared the national dish of the türi. About radish was written in herbalists as a good remedy for cough, whooping cough, kidney stones and bladder. It was recommended to use it for hemoptysis, neuralgia, anemia, flatulence, gout, as a wound healing, lactic and anti-worms.
The use of radish is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach, kidneys, pancreas, in a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system and small intestine.
It is not recommended to use the radish in its pure form, without other components, especially: it is very sharp and pungent to the taste, which leads to excessive reactions in our body, can adversely affect the activities of the heart and digestive system. Radish goes well with carrots and apples.
Green radish is healthy
Great info
Green radish is very useful to our health. It keeps our stomach strong. Thanks for sharing.