What Is GMO???
Simply put, a GMO, or genetically modified organism is an organism that has been genetically altered in a laboratory setting. This pertains to animals, humans, plants, and basically all living life form.
Today I will touch on how a gmo effects our food supply and the impact it has on our daily lives. I will not be getting overly technical in this piece, as it is a mere introduction on the topic. My advice to each and everyone of you is to do your own research on gmos and decide for yourself if this is something you should be concerned about. There is no shortage of information; just type Gmo in 'Google' and it will yield over 26,500,000 results.
Please note, these are my thoughts and opinions, and do not reflect any other individual, or organization.
Why Is Gmo Bad??
The answer to this question is highly debatable. You will hear certain corporations defend practice of genetically modifying an organism. Stating that it is an essential practice to solve the food shortage/climate issues effecting our crops. You may even hear some farmers excuse the practice, after all, with gmos some of their crop yields have been outstanding in numbers.
But the truth of the matter is, we just don't know. There hasn't been nearly enough research on how gmos effect the human body. You can all remember the margarine craze that swept this country about a decade or two ago. Margarine is a hydrogenated product created from vegetable oil. Food scientist figured out a way to extract fats from vegetable oils, and used those fats in foods. Transfats were used to maintain a more stable structure in certain foods. In turn allowing them to create foods that ordinarily would not be possible. After many years of Transfat usage, the United States Government realized they were quite unhealthy for us and proceeded to ban them or greatly reduce the amount used.
But Bigp, you are talking about transfat in twinkies right? So what does that have to do with my gmo-ed up corn? Think of plants like a young child. When a mother doesn't allow her child to play in the mud and get his hands dirty, that kid tends to get sick a lot quicker than those that have played in dirt, or those that have eaten some as well. Like bubble boys, certain kids who have been shielded by viruses and bacteria at a young age, tend to be more susceptible to health complications as they grow older. Plants are no different. If scientist create the "perfect" crop of corn by giving it a standard set of DNA, well that corn will only thrive under optimum conditions. If there is any kind of drought, disease, or other crop ailments, the genetically altered corn will not be able to adapt. Thus not only destroying the crop, but possibly making us sick if the crop was consumed.
Gmos & The Environment
...Well, you're just going to have to join me next time as I dive into how gmos effect our environment, and which corporations have no problem with the practice...
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Until we meet again, stay clear of them genetically modified organisms.
Everything unnatural is unhealthy... This is a rule.
They're trying to convince people of these crimes... For one thing, money.
Thank you @bigpchef for sharing this.....
You're absolutely correct. Thank you for reading.
The practical is not necessarily good for health
Thank you for the information
Yup correct. Thanks for reading.
Very useful information
Please permit me to share more information from you in our language
Thanks dear. Learnt a lot on GMO through an excellent blogger worthy of my upvote. Can't wait for part 2 . Tks for sharing!