
looks great - i grew up in Brissy too

nice one. I'm now following you too. Go Brisvegas!

That looks SOOOOOOOOOO delicious. Now i HAVE to try it.
Let the search begin.

Great article. I'm following now for more posts of your travels.

thanks for following. you must search out this delicious treat! :p

Wow! That looks so good! 😊 i would love to try that one of these days! I have a friend from vietnam! Will ask her where to get that! Nice! 😊

it really is yummy. your friend will know where to get the good one from

@bkkshadow, that looks awesome. In Asia you can find some really incredible food without breaking the bank. Eat one for me!

Have you tried the shop in w district? It's quite tasty at very good pices