- Ingredients
- 40g cream cheese
- 1tsp parsley
- 7g sun blush tomatoes, chopped
- sourdough bread
- 15g frozen peas
- 15g shelled frozen beans
- small handful of rocket
- drizzle of rapeseed oil
- salt
- pepper
- 4 slices parma ham (optional)
Place frozen peas and shelled frozen beans into boiling salted water for 2 minutes, refresh under cold running water and drain. Place a small handful of rocket on top of the cheese mixture and sprinkle with the peas and beans.Drizzle over some rapeseed oil and season with salt and pepper. If desired rip 4 slices of Parma ham to top each bruschetta.
Source : https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/rocket-and-cream-cheese-bruschetta.html
yummy.Thanks for sharing
Nice ..@navdeep.droid
Thanks !!)
I'm glad that you liked it !!)
MMMMMM Sunblush tomatoes, just the best. Love having them with olives myself. @bookman