Hi Friends,
I may get some pushback on this, but I am a big fan of hot dogs and Italian sausages!
I think it comes from my grandfather… people ask him all the time how he looks so good in his in his mid-80s – he replies “Oh, I eat a lot of hot dogs!”. Hehe.
I cooked up some hot dogs and spicy Italian sausage recently:
I usually add some onions in aluminum foil with salt, pepper and butter to cook on the grill alongside the dogs and sausages as they are a tasty addition. As far as condiments go, I like to switch it up an have variety – sometimes it will be ketchup, mustard and relish, sometimes bbg sauce, sometimes mayo and ketchup, and often a freshly roasted jalapeno.
Springtime is one of my favorite times to grill, and mine is getting plenty of use so far this spring!
Do you like hot dogs or Italian sausages as much as me?
Thanks for coming by,
I am a fan of hot dogs and I like to add tomato, mustard, cheese accompanied by a good drink.
I love both of em!! Nothing like some sausage, peppers, and onions. Or grilling some hotdogs on a summer day
Delicious Italian sausages! Really you made an amazing food. Have a great Spring.
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