Berries of dried rose hip Siberian Frūctūs Rosae 1 lot=1 kg.

in #food7 years ago


                           Berries of dried rose hip Siberian
                                     Frūctūs Rosae
                                      1 lot = 1 kg.

Thanks to the rich chemical composition of wild rose has anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. He also has the ability to activate the redox processes in the body and enzyme systems, is therefore used for weight loss and weight stabilization.

Rosehip increases the secretion of bile and urine output, which is widely used for the treatment of liver diseases. rosehip useful svoystva.Takzhe has the ability to enhance the synthesis of hormones and promote wound healing and renewal of the skin (treatment of ulcers, dermatitis, eczema and so on.).

Rose hips have a pronounced effect protivoskleroticheskoe and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system of the person. In folk medicine, it is often used as a tonic and sedative for heart disease. Useful properties of dried rose hips are very high, since after proper drying fruits contain 17% ascorbic acid, about 3-4% pectin, up to 8% sugar and up to 3.7% of organic acids.

That treats rosehips:

beriberi, fatigue, depression;
sore throat, acute respiratory infections and colds, colds;
acute and chronic diseases of the liver, intestine, stomach, gastric ulcer;
atherosclerosis, vascular disease;
hemorrhagic diathesis;
Various hemorrhage (lung, uterine);
eye diseases;
hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis (used as the perfect cholagogue);
dermatitis, ulcers, fractures, skin diseases (using rosehip oil)
To rosehip really have useful properties, it is counter to collect it from the roads, highways, near the railroad tracks. We always collect berries in the meadows and in the woods, but in our part of a medicinal plant grows everywhere. But we went far into the forest, we find there the whole thickets and thorns were taken from his bright decoration in canvas jackets - ripe red berries.
In addition to the healing properties of rosehip has contraindications. In particular, taking decoctions, infusions and tinctures are not recommended in gastritis with acidity of gastric juice. People with high acidity ZS even without serious gastric diseases should drink fruit teas in limited quantities.

Frequent consumption of beverages with rosehip causes damage to the tooth enamel, so it is recommended to drink beverages through a straw treatment (as cocktails). You can not immediately after taking a decoction or infusion of brushing your teeth with toothpaste because enamel is thinned even more.

It is unacceptable to treat wild rose, as edible berries, and drink his concoctions without measure. This is, first and foremost, a medicinal plant, and its long-term use leads to side effects: headaches, stomach pains, discomfort in liver area pain and weakness in the legs.
Brewing Dried rose hips instead of tea: a glass of boiling water pour 1-2 tbsp. spoon berries, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, infuse, covered for 15 minutes and drink with honey 2-4 times a day.

Multivitamin tea for children and adults:

It's a real vitamin bomb for the body, as well as primrose contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. For multivitamin tea better not take the flowers and leaves of the plant. 2 tbsp. spoon dried berries rose hips, a handful of dry leaves in primrose pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 3 minutes and insist under the lid for 1 hour. Drink tea instead of honey through a straw for a month (in the early spring or after a prolonged illness).

How to make rose hip to drink when sick liver:

Dried rose hips crushed, canteen spoonful of powder to fill in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. In the morning take this: pour a tablespoon in a cup of sorbitol spoon and pour the infusion of rose hips, a drink at a time. After 20 minutes, drink another glass of infusion without sweetener. You can have breakfast after 45 minutes, but the food should be light - oatmeal on the water, salad or yogurt. The course - a total of six treatments every two days.

How to use rose hips:
The first thing to do with dried rosehip - wash. Then the fruit can twist in a meat grinder, cut with a knife or a crush on the bottom plate glass or cup, if a small portion of the raw materials required. If the brew rose hip whole, he will give drink fewer vitamins. As a rule, crushed fruits pour boiling water, boil in water bath for five to thirty minutes, and about half an hour in a thermos insist. You can not boil thoroughly, and pour boiling water in a thermos and leave for the night. Typically, rosehips to improve the taste before serving add sugar, honey or herbs - mint, lemon balm or stevia. Before use, the infusion should drain through cheesecloth to make the hairs did not irritate the digestive system.

Infusion of rose hips can be drunk before meals 2-3 times a day for a month. In addition, it can be poured into molds for ice and freeze: such cubes - a great cosmetic, skin tonic.

A drink from the hips:

Dried rose hips (1 tablespoon), washed, crushed, pour boiling water (200 ml) and boil for 8-10 minutes. The broth in a warm place, then strain. It is possible to add sugar or honey.

Kissel from rosehips:

Dried rose hips (100 g), chop, add water (2 liters), boil on low heat for 15 minutes, then strain. The broth add sugar (200 g), lemon slices or citric acid (0.5 g), pour the diluted starch in cold water (50 g) and bring to boil.

Vitamin tea from rose hips, mountain ash and oregano:

Rose hips (20 g) and mountain ash (10 g), pour water and cook for 5 minutes, add the marjoram (5 g), insist 10 minutes.

Tea from the hips:

Dried rosehips (100 g) per liter of water to boil for 5 minutes. Infuse for 40-60 minutes, drain, add to taste lemon juice and sugar.

Recipes with fresh rose hips

Compote from the hips:

Mature hips wash, cut, cleaned of seeds and hair, rinse in cold water, put it in the hot sugar syrup (0.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water) and leave it at 8-11 hours. Then separate the fruit from the syrup and shift into a glass jar. The syrup is heated to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes and pour over the fruit in the banks. Then pasteurized in boiling water: half-liter jars - 10-15 minutes liter - 15-20 minutes after which cans roll, flip cap and so stand to cool.

Rosehip compote with sea buckthorn:

Very nice and unusual fruit compote can be prepared from large hips with sea buckthorn. Thoroughly washed hips cut in half, cleaned of seeds and "hairs" (easier to equip a coffee spoon) and fill them half-liter jars, alternating layers buckthorn (in a ratio of 3 parts of wild rose 1 part buckthorn). Pour the boiling sugar syrup (1 liter of water 500 grams of sugar), roll up, turn upside down, put on the floor in the newspaper and wrap a warm blanket for the night (can be a jacket).

rosehip useful properties.

Morse from the hips and apples:

Cleared hips (3-4 tablespoons) and apples (4-5 pcs.) Cut into small pieces, cover with cold water (1 L) and boil for a few minutes. Then strain in the broth add sugar or honey (3-4 tablespoons), a little lemon or orange zest, lemon juice or citric acid (to taste).

Stamp with wild rose and red wine:

Hips (50 g), add water (700 mL) and leave for several hours, then heated and boiled for 3-5 minutes, then drain. To the filtrate add 80-100 g sugar and 0.5 liters of dry red wine, warm again, but not to a boil and then add the 1 or 2 juice oranges. Serve hot.

Drink fresh fruit rose hips:

Washed fruits (500 g), pour 2 liters of hot boiled water. When water cools, add raisins (50 g) and the syrup (500 g sugar per 500 ml water). Then the vessel cover and put in a cold place. Drink to drink 2-3 days.

Rosehip, pureed with sugar:

Puree rosehips mixed with sugar at a ratio of 1: 1, heat to a temperature of 70-80 ° C and immediately hot filled into sterilized jars and pasteurized in boiling water: half-liter - 20 min liter - 25 min.

Jelly from the hips:

Purified from the seeds and the hairs rose hips (1 kg), add water (600 mL), boil on low heat until tender, rub, squeeze the juice. The juice dissolve the sugar (500 g), and cook until the consistency of jelly.

Puree from the hips:

Ripe rose hips (1 kg), cleaned of seeds, hair, rinse thoroughly, fill with water, boil for 10 minutes, recline on a sieve. When the water flow down, wipe, add sugar (200 g), bring to a boil, pour the syrup of the petals of rose hips (200 mL), stir. Puree pour into sterilized jars, cover with lids, pasteurized at a temperature of 70 ° C:-liter floor - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes.

Jam made from the hips:

Select a slightly unripe fruit vysokovitaminnyh varieties of rose hips. Wash, cut, cleaned of hairs and seeds, problanshirovat in boiling water (no more than 2 minutes), decant the water. Transfer the fruit in hot 70% sugar syrup and leave it for 3-4 hours, after which Dowar jam. It is expedient to prepare the syrup in the water in which the blanched hips. 1 kg of prepared fruit used 1.2-1.3 kg of sugar.

Jam made from wild rose with cranberries:

Prepare hips (1 kg), add cranberries (300 g), sugar (1.2-1.5 kg per 1 kg of the mixture). Cook as rosehip jam.

Marmalade from the hips and apples:

The rosehip and apple puree (1 kg), add sugar (1.4 kg), stir and leave to dissolve it.
Then small portions cook until done.
Enjoy your appetite and health.

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