NZ likes fake milk's growth potential - 7 Jan 2019!
With its dairy industry generating about $14 billion a year in export earnings, New Zealand could rightly be considered the last place actively promoting or developing milk substitutes.
Not so. NZ’s food and beverage sector and researchers are making the most of the nation’s food processing expertise to build specialty platforms in the plant-based milk alternative market.
"New-age transumers" - Oh you just have to love that!
Bet you a dollar these guys are biotech too. From what I've seen, with an ingredients list like that, they fit the bill.
Holy cow!
and the fake chicken too - on sale though so hopefully they can't unload the crap...
The Beyond Meat products in my local co-op are on sale often. At the board meeting a few days ago I again brought up my concerns about these products on the shelves. They told me that they sell cases of this "food". It would be bad for business if they stopped carrying the synthetic biology remade nature frankenfood. That the people love it! More like the people are ignorant as to what they are eating...
I was asked by someone at the annual meeting to give a class about what I've seen. I've also thought about asking for a table by the door to do a member survey at different times through the week, asking if people have tried it and if they know what it really is.
Perhaps I can make a great video to show there, like my first presentation but better, and then people could use it at their co-ops!
People should understand what they are eating.
I need to get one of these!
Despite us having a food business and being a very lax WAPF chapter, I've never really looked at any of this - there is a lot more vegan "dairy" than I realised - YUK!
We used to get angry emails from vegans but they seemed to disappear about 10 years ago, and Deb has an elderly vegetarian aunt (92) who secretly buys some animal products like cod liver oil from us
Warn your friends!

The Mongrel Mob only eat beer!