Hi, this is really inspiring! I am a natural plant based vegan and even tho I eat 50% raw I'm not able to quite go all the way there yet. I'm a bit confused how you can make raw humus with chickpeas (cos they need to be cooked, unless somehow u can pickle them?) or your using something else? can't wait to find out! also heard something about truffle oil not being strictly vegan because it uses a pig or dog to sniff them out (and thats exploitation of animal, that vegans are against) i think its a bit of a grey area... im not sure, i normally dont bother with it because its pricey
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That's awesome to hear though, I use to be mostly raw, and vegetarian before going raw vegan over night hahaha. I mainly made this shift because I had surgery for my ankle and wanted to heal optimally and feel that optimal healing and health can be found through fasting and eating raw, especially fruits!
I don't like the confinement of labels and the restricted determining aspects of them, though they are definitely handy when it comes to communicating now a days! Hehe :)
As long as you have positive thoughts and no judgement and focus on seeing yourself and relationships (as everything in life is) transparently then you will only make infinitely growing progress which is all that matters! :)I'm glad you find this inspiring @celestialcow! 💓
Aaaaaah I never considered that about the truffle oil, though mine is more animal friendly! Hehe.
As I said it was mildly infused is because we already finished the original oil that came in the container, but it comes with a tiny piece of truffle inside of the flask. So I just refilled the container with extra virgin olive oil and let it sit for months to re-infuse instead of throwing it out when it was finished! :)
It's definitely a luxurious flavor! Though we never bought it ourselves either! :P
You only need a tiny amount for a lot of flavor because of how potent it is!
As for the hummus, I will probably be making it today or tomorrow! :)
I've helped make and had raw hummus a couple times in the past, and you can use other things such as lentils, or zucchini instead of chickpeas, I plan on making a zucchini one next! :)
However, as for the chickpeas, you don't HAVE to cook them, you can sprout them! If you have an amazing blender/food processor you can just soak them and it should be enough, but for the healthiest most activated form to eat them sprouting is optimal!
Hehehe, I'm not sure how pickled chickpeas would taste in a hummus, but I know that one time when we "over-soaked" our chickpeas, they started to ferment and still tasted pretty good! (Raw).
However, they just kept exponentially fermenting so unfortunately we had to throw them out =/ We forgot and left them inside the car when that happened hahaha, it's hard to synchronize cooking with outdoor fires while road-tripping xD Luckily that was the only time that ever happened!
excellent work
no i dont have judgements, im pretty open minded! Oh yes i forgot u can sprout, i do it accidentally when i soak my pulses. I make different kinds of hummus too, with pulses etc it's great. yes raw is optimum for healing that is true. Atm it's winter here in spain and there is no heating so i do need a warm meal. and i also think there is something magical about a warm broth made from fresh ingredients. I didn't know you were road tripping, that's awesome your living and cooking on the move. Thanks for taking the time to write me back such a long reply. :)
I also cook everyday on my travels, i just recently posted about the most awesome spice shop I visited in france, maybe you or anyone else here might wanna check it out here
Hablas español?? O prefieres ingles? o:
That's good! It's good to feel good about everything, letting go of any guilt/regret! I use to feel that a lot especially towards food... hahaha
Open minded is great, open to all possibilities for learning! :)
Sprouting is one of my favorite ways to eat anything that isn't a fruit, especially coconut sprouts!! 😍
I never heard of pulses until googling it just now, but I'm definitely gonna start making mixtures like that, and probably make a hummus out of it too!! 😍 Heheh
I was gonna say, you don't need chickpeas to make hummus, but thats just the traditional way to do it! Even though sprouted isn't cooked, I feel like it tastes pretty much the same, but feels way better! :)
Speaking of which, I actually just finished making the hummus not even an hour ago! Though I don't know if I'll have time to make a post today as I'm going to get some sun after writing this comment hehe! Afterwards I plan on making more raw crackers for the hummus! 😍 The best hummus combo I've ever had!!
I'm not road tripping anymore, that was some months ago! I'm healing from surgery now at my parents house, and the better I get, the more raw stuff I'll be making, until I can get back to climbing trees and processing coconuts again!! 😍
Ahaaa I totally feel that though, being in a cold environment naturally desires warmth as that is one of life's most innate instincts! That makes more sense why it would be hard to be raw to begin with!
If you want to be raw, I recommend moving somewhere tropical FULL of FRUITS!!! :)
I love being able to climb trees and harvest fresh fruits, I wouldn't ever feel the need to take all the time processing it, but it is a fun skill to have and share especially when all the ingredients are abundantly accessible!
My pleasure, you seem like good vibes! I appreciate genuine expression and connections.
It's nice to see people actually read and appreciate what I'm sharing as otherwise there would be no point in posting anything, since I don't need to share any of this to be happy xD
I will open the link now, but I'll leave it open to check it out in a couple hours when I get back online, after the sun sets and the juice is made and the crackers dehydrating! :)