Hello Steemian friends. Today I will teaching us a delicious and healthy method you can enjoy your noodles. I actually learnt this from my sister and hope you guys try it out because it actually taste good.
-Two (2)packets of noodles, depending on how many you can finish.
-Three(3) fresh tomatoes and pepper
-a bulb of onion
-7 tea spoons of groundnut oil
-carrot and green beans
Step1: Put water in a pot and allow to boil for some time.
Step2: Put in your noodles to cook for 5min. Make sure you time so it doesn't become too soft.
Step3: Rinse your half cooked noodles with warm water
Step4: Fry your carrot, green beans and any other vegetable with little amount of oil and spice for at least 3min. (keep this aside when done)
Step5: Fry your tomatoes separately with little quantity of oil for at least 6min.
Step6: Spice up your sauce
Step7: Pour in your noodles in your tomatoe sauce and stir together to blend. (Note: do not add water, the water from the tomatoe will be enough to help it cook for sometime)
Step8: Add your vegetables and stir properly.
Leave on heat for 3min and serve.
I bet you Steemians, this is really delicious.
getting off the computer to go find my next feeding, thanks for the idea!
Thanks. I appreciate.
You’re worth it. Keep smiling
Wow! I'm feeling hungry already.
Lol. You can come have some.