Today, I came back from work, I was really hungry. I need to eat, but my girl friend did not have time to cook for me. I said to her. No worry baby, I am going to cook for you a good healthy food and it won't take long. I started to cook rice and a while rice was still cooking, I made salad and added the ingredient into the beefsteak. I used salt, black pepper, chopped garlic, red wine, butter, sweet raisins.
How to cook a perfect steak?
- Select your best pan (thick pan, or grilled pan)
- Choose your steak cut
- Get your oil
- Dress your steak (if you want)
- Cook your steak using our timings
- Check, when it's done
- Leave to rest
How long will it take to fry the steak?
It depends on your taste, if you want the steak good cooked or half cooked. I like it to be half cooked, then the steak will not be too dry.
Of course, the fire is very important. My steak dish today. I fried it very fast with very high fire by flamed it with alcohol.
I made a quick video, you can watch it. Please do not try it at home, if you do not know, how to flame the steak. It cans burn your beautiful face or your own house.
Did you like the video?
When the steak have been cooked, I place it on a plat and I added sweet raisins on top. You can even add sesame seed, what ever you want to. The capture of the picture not really good, because I was really busy with cooking and was too hungry.
It took me in total 20 minute to made dinner with a good food for my family today.
Thanks for your reading ! I hope you enjoy with this small content.
Great job, Always good to have a chef around :)
Thanks @journeyoflife, long time no see.
Have been caught up, nice to see a visit ! Appreciate it
I just saw, that I did not follow. My apologize @journeyoflife, but now I followed you already. I do not have much time to check everybody post, it has been very busy at work. I always check on my comments, when people gave a comment on my post then, I always went to visit their amd gave them an upvote. There are steemains now. We should keep in touch. Have a nice day.
Great work! I just want to ask you how to tenderize the meat without fully cooking it. In the Philippines, we usually boil the meat first or use pineapple juice or a tenderizing mallet. I hate the last one since juice from raw meat could splatter all over the kitchen if you're not good at it. Do you use any commercially available tenderizing powder? Thanks!
Thanks @j-alhomestudio for a nice compliment. You ask me, how to tenderize the meat without fully cooking it? Before you marinated the meat, you have dry the meat very good by squeeze to get the water out and then use the kitchen papers to dry it or mix it with the ingredient. You do not like it, when you fry it and it can splatter every where that I understood. You should use thick pan and use butter instead of oil and fry it with low fire, but it will take longer. If you boi the meat with water first and then fry it, the meat will lose the flavour. I will not do it. To make a half tender meat meat, fry with high fire and keep turing it around. If you know how to flame that will be good. My meat look out very good cook, but inside is still red. I hope you understand, because my english is not perfect dude.😂😂😂😂😂😀😀😀😆😆
Looks perfectly cooked!
Thanks @purefood.
Always you inspired us with your recipes
Thanks @reemy.
It's really fun to cook your own hands
Welcome my friend I missed you
Thanks @saraalafi that you missed me. I missed you too.
I am very happy to see you in video dear friend
Haha, Are you sure with a big fire my friend @mimbel? Thanks buddy.
So beautiful meat! Make me feel so hungry 😋
The steak beautiful, but it has also amazing taste @zhangxiaopanger. Thanks for a nice compliment buddy. Have a good night.
You are really a good man who love his fiance wholeheartedly without stressing her unnecessarily. I believe the meal would be so yummy and delicious. Nice write up bro.
Thanks @adeyemidrey for a good compliment bro. Have a good night.
Oh my goodness, how delicious this must be!! the steak was literally on fire my friend great dinner 😉 Cheers
Haha, thanks buddy. What did you have for dinner today?
my dinner was just a sandwich hahahaha
Nice! Looks delish! I love a nice medium steak, ribeye preferably! Cooked in a screaming hot cast iron pan or the grill, perfection!
Thanks for a nice compliment @smylie2005
Youre most welcome!
Excelente eleccion buena comida amigo saludos desde venezuela ...
Great, it looks delicious.
Thanks my brother, it was really good.
Me gusta medio ese es su punto, pero el que publicaste se ve demasiado rico, me encanto, saludos y feliz noche
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 AHHHHHHHH!!!!
That was a huge 🔥
Thanks supersoju, good to see you here.
Dabi rakh koi gal ni khapya chuto da putuf lula kha cha
Can write it in english please, I do not understand, what you said.
Hi my friend i sad its so nice post i like your work that,s great post keep up & enjoy
Thanks for come a long.
Welcome dear, lot of missed you. Good job. May be it's very taste food. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks bro for a nice compliment. I just upvoted your post.
Oh ha! That's you in the video! How was the steak cooked? medium rare??
Haha, I looked very tired, didn't I? Yes the meat was medium rare and it was good. Thanks
Okay! Nice! You are now looking for a cook off! I will post mine or get myself a steak dinner when I have time! Watch out!
Interesting post bro
Thanks bro.
the food was delicious all.
Thanks @adtmajaputri
feeling hungry.😊
Yes me too.
Nice post
Thanks for sharing. My husband will love this. 😊