7 Reasons to Eat Eggs for Breakfast

in #food7 years ago (edited)

There are several reasons to constantly keep eggs in the refrigerator. They can be easily and quickly prepared in a variety of ways, it is from this product that you get a delicious breakfast, rich in fiber and protein.

In addition, eggs are the source of a number of vitamins and microelements, necessary for a full and long life.Contrary to the opinion widespread among the masses, this component is mandatory for use not only by children and sportsmen.

Here are the seven most important reasons for which each person should think about introducing eggs into his breakfast or lunch on an ongoing basis:

  1. The product maintains eye health. Eggs are saturated with strong antioxidants, which protect the eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, reduce the likelihood of cataract formation. To obtain the maximum effect in this direction, it is better to use frozen eggs. You just need to throw a few pieces into the freezer before the time comes to bed. In the morning we clean the frozen product and wait for the protein to melt. In the food, in this case, there is only the yolk, which acquires a special pleasant consistency.
  2. Fighting bouts of hunger. Eggs can contain the body's carbohydrate needs, dulling the feeling of hunger, which often grows throughout the day and reaches its peak in the evening. Thanks to such a simple component, you can learn not to overeat before going to bed and completely give up salted, fried, fatty dishes.
  3. The presence of eggs in the diet is allowed by all kinds of healthy diets. One chicken egg contains only 70 calories, so the nutritional component helps to get rid of excess weight and does not resemble the taste for "food for rabbits". Adding eggs to vegetable salads, you can count on satisfying hunger and saturating the body without the risk of exceeding the daily calorie rate.
  4. Substances in the composition of eggs stimulate brain activity. Choline, part of the yolk of chicken and quail eggs, promotes brain activation, improves memory, reduces the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease. People whose activities are directly related to mental stress should include at least two eggs in the daily diet.
  5. The component largely covers the body's need for proteins. It is the proteins that control the cholesterol in the blood and help prevent a number of cardiac pathologies. A diet based on a high protein content leads to an increase in life expectancy, reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis.
  6. Eggs do not help increase cholesterol numbers. Unlike fatty foods, this component saturates the body with useful cholesterol, the presence of which is associated with the prevention of many acute and chronic conditions.
  7. Substances in the composition of the product contribute to the strengthening of immunity. A single large-sized chicken egg contains up to 22% of daily selenium. This component takes part in the regulation of hormonal processes that promote the initiation of immune reactions. Just one egg at breakfast several times increases the body's resistance to the action of viruses and bacteria.

It turns out that eggs are an affordable, healthy and tasty food. There is no reason to avoid their use on a regular basis. The main thing is to handle the component correctly, otherwise, the list of its useful properties will melt before our eyes. For frying eggs, olive oil is best, but not corn or sunflower. And in salads, it is recommended to add hard-boiled products, cut into a maximum of four parts.

Eggs are one of those foods that prefer simple culinary approaches while remaining tasty and mouth-watering.

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Where did you get this information? I'd love to see some research on that topic

I just searched an info about eggs and created this article...