12 jam kemudian....
Hello Steemian Fellows! kiban haba sagoe nyan? Sehat semua sodara-sodari?
Have you ever tried any Bilimbi Syrup or Bilimbi's Juice? I will let you try mine if you visit my home, then. Apaaaa? musti dikasih tahu juga cara bikin sirup atau jus belimbing! nyan neu kalon... iloeng miseu ka ji ek darah, kon ie boh timon lee loen jeip, seip ngon sitrop boh limeng mantong. Na peureulee teupeu chit... Allahuakbar... dudo loen peugah cara.
Drain the fruits again and keep the juice. we can make Bilimbi syrup with it or use half of it for the next step. Karena air sari buahnya banyak sangat, maka sebaiknya dijadikan sirup saja sebagiannya, karena kita hanya butuh sekitar separuh dari air sari buah itu untuk proses selanjutnya. Bek neu boh ie nyan beuh, na manfaat keulayi.
The fruits colour is changing, yeaaah RIGHT! because we already preserved them by keeping them soaked in sugar. so, it would be better if you shake the container in such way so the all the fruits submerged. kalau sempat aduk balik buah supaya rata terendam sari buahnya lebih baik. bek hireun neuh watee neu kalon boh limeng ka layee, nyan tanda jih ka rhap 50% hana masam lee, aci tree pajoih sineuk. ka jeut ta meuseulincah lah nyan, tinggai peh campli sineuk, boh saka, lhap lheuh nyan mamoh.
Bisa saja menggunakan 2 gelas kecil air (kira-kira 350ml) untuk melarutkan gula sebanyak 500 gram, atau menggunakan separoh dari air sari buah rendamannya. saya lebih memilih menggunakan air baru, karena yang ini masih ada rasa garamnya dikit, lebih cocok untuk dijadikan sirup. Whilst Draining the fruit, you can prepare 500 grams cane sugar and 2 cup of water (use half of the juice is recommended) and you can try to taste one of the fruit, the acidic taste had has 50% reduced. nyan bek taguen ie saka lam beulangong beuh.
Boil the water and sugar, don't forget to put the fruit again in the palstic container (maybe you can use another one which is smaller than before, because the fruits have shrinked. panaskan sampai benar-benar mendidih dan gulanya larut sambil diaduk-aduk (sebaiknya pake kompor, jangan pemanas air listrik). bek jak coba culok jaroe lam ie saka, peu lom jak rasa... ceurakee lidah neuh.
ka bereih buet urounyo, neu plee ie saka ju nyan lam boh limeng, top beugot, kubah beu paih. Pour the Boiled sugar water into the bilimbi and Seal the container then keep it safe for 24 hours, we will redo this methode the next day. Besok kita lanjutkan proses memaniskan berikutnya.
This is the Second day process of making CS-dB, wait up for the next post. Bek gatai jaroe jak buka kaloen peu lom jak cicap... bunoe kaleuh neu pajoih padum neuk ka? sang ka payah jak mita boh limeng lom ke ulang peugot nyan. Proses hari kedua sudah usai, nantikan tayangan berikutnya.
Terima kasih sudah mengikuti proses pembuatan manisan belimbing yang ribet namun layak dicoba ini. You can read the previous steps here :
- https://steemit.com/food/@cicisaja/the-making-of-candied-dried-bilimbi-cara-peugot-sunti-mameh-pembuatan-manisan-belimbing-trilingual-1
https://steemit.com/food/@cicisaja/the-making-of-candied-sun-dried-bilimbi-cara-peugot-sunti-mameh-pembuatan-manisan-belimbing-trilingual-2 *https://steemit.com/food/@cicisaja/the-making-of-candied-sun-dried-bilimbi-cara-peugot-sunti-mameh-pembuatan-manisan-belimbing-trilingual-3
Malam ka jula, bek that neu hapai... han loen apoih lee hay, miseu na peureulee tanyong, tuleh komen, hana suwah vote keudeh. Thanks for following my posts, you don't have to vote or follow me anyway, ask me if you need to know the spesicif details, I will put the recipe at the final of this serial post. Selamat malam dan semoga bermanfaat, saya mau ngendus bunga dulu sebelum ganggu suami!
nyan awai ka layee ngoen ie peu neu indram?
peu ie saka syit?
meu-ah agak lamban siangen
Panee ta indram, ijih syit boh kayee jai ie meunan. Sira dan saka yg peugot layee. Aci perhatikan foto