Saute Spicy Chicken / 新疆大盘鸡

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Food preparation: walk a chicken (2-3 kg is appropriate) 500g a yellow potatoes, onions, peppers, Daqing 1, chili garlic ginger 50g; 15g, 20g, 20g 2 green onions, aniseed, cinnamon 1 pieces, 2 pieces of leaves, the amount of green pepper, green onion 20g

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Condiments: salt, pepper, white sugar, soy sauce, chicken essence, and wine

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  1. Blisters the octagonal cinnamon leaf and green pepper with warm water, spare; garlic pat, ginger slices, shallot cut, spare;

2, the chicken is well disposed. First we should arrange the chicken oil and cut it into strips, then tear the chicken skin out of the chicken neck and remove the lymph (harmful to the human body), and cut the chicken into 2 cm squares.

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3, potatoes cut into cubes 3 cm, soak up the diced onion reserve; reserve; green peppers cut into uniform slices;

4, add the amount of water in the pot, the chicken cold water pot boiled water, add wine 30g, boil skim floating foam, remove and drain;

5, after the heat add oil, add chopped chicken oil, fish oil, spices soaked into the pan, add onion ginger garlic and chili fried, golden fried onion ginger garlic will remove all spices abandoned, add chicken, stir fry for 5 minutes until the fire in the water stir fry until;

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6, chicken stir fry adding bean sauce and chopped potatoes, fried in the fire Chili oil after adding an appropriate amount of soy sauce and stir fry until color, add appropriate amount of water, add 500g beer, shallot in a knot together into the pot, a small fire to burn 25 minutes to 20 minutes after the onion knot don't pick out;

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7, you can flavor scallion remove, add a pinch of salt, pepper, sugar and chicken, then add a little soy sauce fresh, add green peppers and onion flakes, stir fry for a while adding proper amount of oil you can pan ming.

8, the delicious chicken will be done.



  1. The chicken fried with chicken oil is more fragrant, and it's also the key to making a big dish of chicken.

  2. The taste of the stew is more fragrant, more pure, more fresh and more delicious.

3, all the spices stir fried flavor to remove, taste more pure, don't worry about chewing flavor, onion knot boiled for a long time will increase the acidity, so, to take in some of the flavor must promptly remove oh


食材准备:走地鸡一只(2-3斤为宜) 黄皮土豆500g,洋葱一个,大青红椒各1各,干辣椒段50g;大蒜15g,生姜20g,大葱20g,八角2个,桂皮1小块,香叶2片,适量青花椒 ,小葱20g
















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