3 Bizarre Fruits You’ve Probably Never Heard About, Contributed by @sharingeverybite

in #food7 years ago

During our recent explorations through Mexico, @shenanigator and I came upon a tree with gigantic leaves and strange-looking fruit. That got me thinking, what other unique types of fruit are out there? Here's three bizarre varieties of fruit, including the one we found on our walk.

The Durian

This odd fruit was the one Jordan, and I stumbled upon during our @tangerinetravels in Mazatlan. The tree has thick branches and humongous leaves. They look like the type that royalty throughout history was fanned with on hot days.


The fruit is similar in size to honeydew melon and protected by a spiny exterior. It is definitely not something I’d pull off the tree with my bare hands.

In addition to their appearance, Durian is known for having a strong, distinctive smell. Strangely, some find the smell pleasing while others compare it to rotten food and sewage. The opinion on the odor is so polarizing that the trees have sometimes been banned from public places. Apparently, after being broken open, the scent can linger for a few days. I suppose it’s similar to how some people think cilantro tastes like soap and others love the flavor.

The Custardapple

Also known as “Sugar Apple” or “Sweetsop,” this fruit comes from deciduous trees that grow in the West Indes and from Canada to the United States in tropical regions. The trees themselves prefer and thrive in a tropical climate. If you’ve ever been in Florida, you may have happened upon one.


Some have likened the appearance of this particular fruit to a giant raspberry, though I’m sure they’re not talking about the color, flavor, or ease of eating it. The size is also much larger than the similar-looking red berry.

The Kiwano

Out of the three in this list, the Kiwano, also called a “horned melon,” looks most like an alien planet transplant. In fact, it may have been the inspiration from some of the fruit you see in Monsters Inc.


Originally, it was from Sub-Saharan Africa. The skin on the outside is yellow, orange, and red, with scattered spikes. On the inside is bright green and yellow seeds. Many say the ultra-fragrant edible fruit is like a citrusy cucumber.

What have you come across that’s not your average apple or banana?

I’d love to hear about them, so please share in the comments. Given the chance, I’d love to explore the rainforest if for nothing else, to see what other types of random fruit exist in the world.

If you also geek out on food and love travel, follow me @sharingeverybite for more.


Always wanted to try durian, but holding back because I have heard of the smell

First I want to say, thank you for sharing this, I kept on looking at those fruit, they are so adorable and am seeing them for the very first time. Really helpfull. Thank you @ community coin

There is also that odd little thing the miracle berry. I have only heard about it but apparently it can change the flavour of other foods if eaten before them, like sour to sweet and stuff!

wow very food post

All these fruits sound strange... I'm I on this planet at all?

Thanks for sharing

Wow and i though i have seen the strange ones.
There is this fruit, i don't know if it is a strange one but i see it only in my village and right now i am in another state (i would have loved to share the pics, never thought a chance like this would come).

It has a spiny outer body but the spines don't hurt. It is sweet on the inside and it has seeds lime the cherry.

Durian tastes delicious. Nomnom :)

I love durian!!! 😊

Great post! I've heard of all those fruit, but I've only tried durian. Upvoted and followed. We recently tried snake fruit in Indonesia. You should give it a taste if you haven't already.