I must say I am always in awe of your wonderful posts, complete with extremely well written text, magnificent richly colored images, and even videos complete with beautiful location relevant music.
Let us not forget about the best part of your posts, which is, of course, YOU!
I can see that you are an extremely intelligent, cultured, and elegant young lady. Of course, one need not mention the obvious, the fact that you are also quite gorgeous!
Thank you for sharing your culinary and cultural experiences with us. It is my sincere hope and dream that I may be able to visit faraway lands again in the very near future.
Until then, I will be quite content to live vicariously through you!
Great job as always.
My business has been so busy lately that I haven't had any extra time to post much here, unfortunately. Maybe after the new year I will be able to find the time to write a little more. Thanks for asking :)
I agree, crypto is very exciting. It seems like there isn't a day that goes by that something very big happens.
You may have forgotten to buy her some additional items with the wealth you are making out of it? My wife was like that but the moment she saw the first time I made 100% out of an investment she just let me be.