Rena小盆友已经6岁了,基本的烹饪技巧get✅,所以今天主要为了学习如何用food processor做scone司康饼。我们上次用手把黄油和面碾在一起的,我感觉用手对小朋友的吸引力更大,毕竟越能弄脏双手的东西,小盆友越high
Rena is 6 This year and has been cooking with me for 2 years now. What we are doing today is making scones with food processor. We try to use our hands to do the work as much as we can. Because kids love to get their hands dirty, it’s a lot more interesting this way and it definitely extends their attention span!
500g AP flour 面粉
100g cold unsalted butter 无盐黄油 冰
2tsp suger i use coconut suger 糖 我用的椰子糖
2tsp baking powder 泡打粉
1tsp baking soda 小苏打
1tsp kosher salt 盐
raisin as many as you want 我抓了一大把葡萄干 换成蔓越莓干同样可行
300ml milk i use almond milk you can choose coconut milk or cashew milk我这里用的almond milk
把所有干粉和黄油放入food processor 打个半分钟, 拿出来看到黄油已经混合面粉变成大大小小的粒粒就好,倒回盆里 中间挖个洞,放杏仁奶。
Put all the dry ingredients into the food processor about half minute,don’t over mix it. Then put everything back into the bowl,make a well in the middle and pour almond milk in
搅和搅和成团 折腾出来擀平 注意不要擀太薄 厚厚的才好吃
Gentally mix to a dough and make it 2inch thick
我用了mason jar的盖子当模版 记得压前沾点干粉 压个圆形 Rena尤其喜欢干这个 所以通通交给小盆友
I use mason jar lid to make a circle, remember slightly dust flour before cutting the dough.
最后刷蛋液 妹妹也可以帮忙刷
Egg wash time,kids favourite.
烤箱 375 f 18-22分钟 出炉
375 f bake for 18-22min
Homemade cranberry jam,lovely smell in the air.
looks great! I love scones, gonna give it a try on the weekend! thanks!
Really fluffy and delicious, be sure to make a big batch. They go quick :)