Hello my Steemians,let the magical and sweet adventure begin!

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hello my lovely Steemians, let the magic adventure begin.

I am somewhat excited and afraid at the same time writing is not really my  forte, basically I'm very new here.

Oh yea, more about me. My name is Milica and I'm living in Belgrade, where I'm studying at University Veterinary Medicine. I was raised in a small city inland of Serbia, where I have spent one carefree childhood with lots of child mischief's until the day I had to move from small place to a "big" town to study. While I was growing up I was forced to cook pretty often, because I grew in a big family and I had to help my mum and dad. In the beginning I was hating it having to cook so often, but as time passed I started to kind of liking it more and more. Eventually I started  getting pretty decent at it learning those little tricks for a taste of Perfection.

As you may have already guessed I plan to be writing cooking recipes, to try and pass down some granny and mum recipes also some of my own. At the same time I will write about my travels, my work with animals, music. Also i would like you to write me any suggestions or tell me how you do it.


Dobrodošla! :)

Hvala :)

Dobrodošla Milice. Sigurna sam da ćemo uživati u tvojim kulinarskim čarolijama, tako da samo napred i srećno :)

Hvala puno na podršci !:)

Welcome @cooky.

Добродошла, Милице :)

Hello Milica! Welcome to the club. My suggestion for you is: give this site some time. Don't feel discouraged by the small earnings at the beginning. Just worry about making good content and, with time, your followers will grow... and so will your earnings.

Another suggestion: upvote the best comments in your posts, for two reasons. First, those comments will go on top. Second, people will appreciate that and will retribute, whenever they can.

PS: this is my second time here, as I had to ditch my previous account to start afresh.

Thanks for advice ,good luck on your second attempt . :)

You're welcome!

Welcome @cooky :)
Sjajne fotografije! Svidja mi se sve o cemu planiras da pises.
Ako treba neka pomoc ili imas neko pitanje, slobodno pisi. Ima nas sada dosta iz Srbije i regiona. Srecno! :)

Hvala puno @nikolina ,verovatno da će biti nekih pitanja pošto je ovo za mene nešto novo nego do sada što sam radila .Pozdrav :)

Добро нам дошла на Стимит, @cooky! Имаш глас и рестим за добар почетак. Милице.

Не стиди се да пишеш и на српском, заједница уопште није занемарљива. Ево последње листе на дну ове стране и неколико линкова с текстовима на српском о сналажењу у свету криптовалута:


Hvala puno .Pozdrav :)

Добродошла на Стимит, @cooky :)

Welcome! I´m new here too!

Hi ,thank you !

welcome cooky, the photos are amazing!

Thank you! :)

Hello Milica welcome to steemit :)

Hi,thank you .:)

Welcome to steem

HI ,thank you.:)

Добродошла Милице :)

Bolje vas nasla :) Pozdrav

Dobro dosla, zelim ti puno srece :)

Hvala ti puno .:))

Dobro dosla, sve najbolje i puno zabave na steemit-u :)

Hvala na podrsci i dobrodoslici .:)

Nema na cemu, pomazemo se koliko mozemo :)
Ne znam da li si vec otkrila - postoje dva discord servera na kojima se povremeno okupljamo:

@steembalkan nalog pomaze i glasovima zajednicu - procitaces i upoznaces se sa time kakva su pravila, a adresa discord-a je: https://discord.gg/E5nnSp

drugi discord server je BSA (Balkan Steemit Alliance) na adresi: https://discord.gg/6RGQGu

Da pomenem i @yu-steem koji okuplja one koji se bave naukom u bilo kom obliku ;)

@lighteye si vec upoznala - covek nije udruzenje, ali jeste institucija ;) on u svojim postovima na srpskom vrlo cesto objavljuje listu svih korisnika sa ovih prostora

Ako sam nekog zaboravio (a sigurno jesam) izvinjavam se ;)

Dobrodošla, drago mi je da nas još ima iz HR :D Pratim!


dobrodosla :)

Hvala :)

Nema na cemu, pa da vidimo te bakine recepte :D

Dobro došla! Nadam se da će ti se svidit ode! Pozdrav!

Hvala na podrsci ,nadam se da cu se snaci :)

Welcome my friend!!
I saw you post @nikolina's blog, she is a dear friend to me!!
Following you!!

Thank you friend.:)
I hope you will enjoy my future posts :)

Welcome to Steemit @cooky!!
So to be late with this greeting!!