What’s for breakfast. Ideal breakfast for burning fat for fuel

in #food7 years ago

What if I told you by Changing what you ate for breakfast could help you burn more body fat daily with or with out exercise! Today I want to cover a huge beneficial topic. Breakfast! Should you eat it should you not? How important is breakfast? I think it’s safe to say we all have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day at least once from someone or somewhere.
Trully the answer could very from person to person and what there goals are or even what your daily activity schedule is. If your someone who doesn’t work out or isn’t very active breakfast could not be very important and taking a intermittent fasting approach could be hugely beneficial. Now if your someone like me who trains 1-2 times a day your gonna want to fuel up with some good fuel.
This is where knowing what to eat and why makes a huge difference. We all see the comercails for all the breakfast crap we eat in America( breakfast cereals, oatmeal, bread, donuts, milk ect.) D1B9EB2A-BEE4-440E-B7A1-114E2A8B092B.jpegbut is this trully what we should be eating to optimize our performance as a human. NO! Defiantly not. First thing in the morning we have this rare opportunity to show our body’s how to use optimal fuel for energy. Now before we get into that let’s break down what food is.
Food is energy (calories) at its simplest form. But let’s break that down even farther to what makes calories called macros. Macros are macronutrients( protien, fats , carbs) that make up calories. !95653E06-6A7F-4060-B65C-9D05515CEA3E.jpeg
Learning to hit your macros is huge but learning to have macro timing when to eat fats and carbs mostly is life changing!Fats and carbs are going to be your main energy sources and protien is going to be your back bone to all meals being required for muscle tissue and joint health. But even protien is wrong increments at wrong times can have adverse effects on digestion and how your feel. By eating fats instead of carbs for breakfast you do something super awesome witch is making your body run off fat for its main energy source for the day( I mean who wouldn’t want to do that). By doing this your increasing your body’s own ability to burn fat through out the day. Now if you instead if you ate carbs for breakfast you would immediately cause insulin(storage hormone) spike cause your body to start storing energy right away first thing in the morning. Now your body will be ineffective at burning fat for energy for the rest of the day instead will store it most likely for energy for later. Doesn’t sound very appealing does it.
Now what does that mean what kind of fats should I be eating? How much? Do I eat protien with it or just eat fats? All of these questions are all individually different depending on goals and your current status of body composition and health. I could go on for pages about macronutrients break downs, how to calculate your own macros, ketogenic dieting. But we are gonna safe that for future post. For now let’s stick with breakfast and fats for fuel.
Ideally for breakfast for most people who are looking for body composition changes and mental clarity eating a high fat low to no carb medium to low protein breakfast is ideal. Let’s break down what I’m eating for
Breakfast and why. !21EF1A65-1EA7-40EF-9244-C6DE69F2902B.jpeg![4C9D0153-8568-4A12-8B0F-407B7B17B20D.jpeg]
This is my day to day ritual breakfast. Now take into consideration I am a 210lbs 7% body fat natural body builder. But the nutrient break down is what is key. So here I’m eating 5 eggs, 1 chicken apple sausage, 100g of avodcao and one serving of cashews. Macros break down is 44g of protien, 22g of carbs, 59g of fat. ! Notice I’m eating pretty medium to high protien first off. This is because muscle is always my first primary goal. Protien is going to help me repair recover muscle tissue that where damaged from workouts. Second carbs my carbs are low mostly all fiber from avocado and the cashews. No sugar all are natural occurring carbs from my fats. Third and most important are my fats. This is my heaviest fat meal of the day because it’s also my earliest meal of the day. plus really is going to super charge my energy levels for the day allowing me to get boost on burning fats for fuel right off the start. Making my body turn to its own body fat for energy when empty. This is going to cause me to have better fat burning for the rest of the day. Sounds great right. Knowing your fats though is also huge the difference between unsaturated fats, saturated fats and trans fats.
Unsaturated fats and saturated fats is where you wanna be looking for fuel. Trans fats are fats created by man through cooking down oils. Horrible for your body! Let’s just keep it at there toxic on many levels. Unsaturated fats get broken down into 2 categories monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Both are great but the biggest player is the monounsaturated fats there ablitly to turn into energy for the body is effortless requiring the body almost no work! Saturated fats( mostly found in meat and nuts) are super beneficail for healthy immune system and bacteria production and even bigger testerone production. So for me and most keeping those monounsaturated fats and saturated fats up is huge. 34507F6A-9896-4F75-AC2D-900474F28DCB.jpeg so a good take home from all this learn to know your fats. Witch I’m going to post a full article of all the types of fats and benefits plus where to get them( food sources).
By changing your whole routine in the morning and how you see your breakfast can have a huge impact on how your body utilizes fat for the rest of the day. So if your gonna eat then fats get them in first thing in the morning without those carbs.
Cory out! Stay forever Shredded!