🥣My daily breakfast
The cereal contains: - yoghurt + curd - banana + raspberry - walnut & desiccated coconut(or chips) - flaxseeds & psyllium - linseed- and hempoil
Plus a pinch of cinnamon or chili for the chiliheads 🤭
This should be a good supply of good fats, protein, fibers and some carbs.
🥣 Mein tägliches Frühstück
Müslimix bestehend aus: - Quark+Joghurt - Banane + Himbeeren - Walnüsse, Kokosraspeln/-chips - Lein-& Flohsamen - Leinsamen-und Hanföl
Prise Zimt und wer es in der Früh schon etwas schärfer braucht natürlich: Chiliflakes 🌶️ Das Müsli enthält also sowohl hochwertige Fette, Eiweiß, Ballaststoffe und etwas Kohlenhydrate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Also on my Instagram

Posted using [Partiko Android](https://steemit.com/@partiko-android)
Had it just today 🤤
Posted using Partiko Android
Had my low carb bread for a change and because I was nervous of that radio call.
Posted using Partiko Android