Cucumber is a fruit of the Cucurbitaceae family. Cucumber is called Cucumis sativus botanically, it belongs to the same group as pumpkin and watermelon. Cucumber grows at creeping plants and develops these cylindrical edible fruits throughout the year.
It contains mainly water and nutriets vital for body. Cucumber is rich in some vitamins, like vitamin C, vitamin A, and folates, while the hard skin of the cucumber is rich in fiber and a variety of minerals, including magnesium, molybdenum, and potassium.
Health Benefits
Skin Care
Cucumber is rich in silicon dioxide, an important component that helps muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and bones develop strong, healthy connective tissue. Specialists recommend cucumber juice due to its silica content for healthier and glowing skin.
Prevent Constipation & Kidney Stones
Cucumber is a perfect combination of fiber and water. Therefore, they help protect your body against constipation and kidney stones. According to reports, most Americans like to add a cucumber-rich salad regularly because it's a good way to increase fiber intake.
Control Blood Pressure
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) studies have included people who consume food in magnesium, potassium, and fiber. The results were clear; their blood pressure is lowered to normal levels.
Manage Diabetes
For many years, cucumber has been used for diabetics. They have the necessary hormones for beta cells in insulin production. The GI index of cucumber is almost zero. **
Maintain Overall Health
Cucumber has outstanding cleansing properties and strongly removes collected waste and toxic compounds from the body. These fruits are ideal for optimizing the function of the bladder, kidney, liver, and pancreas. Cucumber juice and carrot juice are very effective for rheumatic diseases caused by excessive uric acid in the body.
its really nice are so much brillient..thank u so much to post this awesome creativity & informative one...@cryptokraze @upvote & @resteem done
Goodness. I think I gotta start eating more cucumbers. I didn't realize the health benefits. Thanks!
True, many benefits of cucumber fruit, such as can control blood pressure, especially young cucumbers. But be careful for people with low blood pressure.
Thank you for sharing.
Cucumber is a fruity that contains many health benefits and is also suitable for people who have high blood pressure
Looks like a blockchain to me. Nowadays everything looks like a blockchain
very informative! thank you!
good post... & good for helath
@resteem done
That girl with the hand weights.....She don't look like that because of Cucumbers....

I will tell you that RIGHT NOW.....LOL😺🐾
nice thank you :)
Follow you blog and vote :)
Nice post sharing...
wow nice for face ;) @cryptokraze
Excelente para el mal aliento. Poner una rodaja de pepino entre los dientes por media hora.
Excellent for bad breath. Put a slice of cucumber between the teeth for half an hour.
You did make a great knowledge bomb !!! TY
Cucumber also promotes weight loss.
Cucumber has amazing health benefits and i love it. It is also good for detox.Thanks for this post.