Hey Steemers!
I want to share a breakdown of what I typical day of eating looks like for me. NOT because I think that I've got it all figured out, or that it's my way or the high way. I share with the intention of inviting conversation and asking the diverse Steemiverse: how much does this differ from how you eat? I will detail nutrition facts and explain how I mindfully craft my diet.

Meal Numero Uno- Breakfast
Cheers to a great reason to get up in the morning! I love the whole breakfast vibe- cozy coffee, getting your mind right for the rest of the day. Note that this can be done on a lazy Sunday or a hurried morning before work. There is always time to set intentions and express gratitude.
One of my morning rituals is drinking a liter of water before putting any food in my stomach. I picked this up from a documentary called Food Matters. It helps to clear toxins from our bodies via the GI tract, as well as to increase satiety throughout the day. It's been workin' wonders for me!
My current favorite meal is this: two pieces of thin- sliced, Dave's Killer Bread topped with avocado; scrambled eggs with shredded zucchini and arugula; coffee with cream. Each of these components fills a dietary need, and makes me happy.
~ whole grain bread is a quality carbohydrate source! I recommend any and all Dave's products. I choose the thin- sliced because I feel more satisfied by two slices instead of one.
~ avocado provides monounsaturated fats!
~ eggs for protein and iron!
~ arugula and zucchini for fiber and micronutrients!
~ coffee for that buzz buzz, and the morning cozy factor!

I'd like to pause and note something. For each component of this meal, I was able to explain my "why". I believe in fueling ourselves mindfully, and in understanding how different inputs affect our bodies. There are certain components that each meal should contain: protein, carbohydrates, fat, micronutrients, fiber. There are a plethora of ways to check these boxes, and I'll continue to share mine with you!
I love 'em- particularly the sweet ones. I'll share my three current favorites that are good for kicking my sweet tooth in nutritionally- satisfying ways.
- Smoothie Bowls
Simply blend frozen fruit of choice, milk, protein powder, and ice. The texture is akin to that of ice cream, without a crazy blood sugar spike. Top with all the goodies: nut butters, coconut flakes, chia seeds, chocolate chips!
- Yogurt Parfaits
greek yogurt or cottage cheese + nut butter + fruit + cinnamon + crushed nuts= a recipe for success. These are so filling and yummy, and have a great, varied texture.
- Power Bites
There are a zillion recipes out there on the interwebs, and I'll share links to several. The basic backbone of these is ground nuts, oats, nut butter, and some kind of sweet binder (honey or maple syrup). You roll 'em into balls and throw them in the fridge- they taste like healthy cookie dough of the heavens!
http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/recipes/snacks/healthy/energy-balls/?page=2 https://www.pinterest.com/explore/power-balls/
Lunches and Dinners
Roasted veggies are everything. Give me anything crunchy and coated in olive oil, garlic, and spices! I often roast or sautee a big pile of whatever is in season. I advise throwing the heartiest/starchiest things in first- taters, brussel sprouts, onions, squash, ect. Give them a head start towards gettin' crispy. Add greens (kale, spinach, arugula, chard) last, as these will wilt quickly.
~ get saucy! A good tomato sauce, curry, pesto, citrus, hummus... all of these will lend different flavors to similar veggie bases.
~ spices! each one provides different benefits! Spicy peppers (containing capsaicin) help boost metabolism. Cinnamon promotes good digestion. Tumeric is anti- inflammatory. Your spice rack is also your medicine cabinet!
~ add in some kinda protein source! I myself stick to veggie sources and fish, so I'm partial to tofu, edamame, salmon, quorn products, and shrimp.

Nourishing food makes us feel good. Our energy levels are consistent, without the roller coaster ride of blood sugar spikes and crashes. Many vitamins and minerals contribute to mental clarity and better moods. It is amazing to realize that the cells of our food LITERALLY become the cells of our body. I ask myself, "what are you made of?" every day. Being health conscious allows me to give an answer that I am satisfied with.

I'd like to note that health is an all- encompassing term. Mental, physical, heart space, spiritual... each of these aspects matters and can be affected by the food we take in. Sometimes I need a goddamn Recess cup, or fried calamari, or a double scoop of gelato. I eat these things regularly, without guilt. Food is fuel, yes. But food is also memory and tradition. It is to be shared, explored, and experienced.
And now Steemers, how do you eat? What food traditions are there in your culture? I'd love to learn from you.
Awesome post, my friend! I love how you address the science and psychology of eating; as I like to say, eating is more complex than fork to mouth."
you know what really makes us feel good? Florence and Ice Cream
truth! a day with gelato is a damn good day
Nice. Sure there are tons of recipes online but people ten to get hungry eyes and lazy bodies. I like the fact that you actually make the ideas that you read about. Looks yummy.
thank you! I've loved experimenting with that kind of thing!
What a view for breakfast!! You have great ideas for breakfast meals, the smoothie bowls my favorite. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, no one should ever skip it :D
wiser words were never spoken ;)
Haha ty ^.^ Just followed you! Looking forward to your next post.
My favorite breakfast is made of bread, cheese and marmelade. Plus a coffee :D The important point about breakfast is to take me awake and full of energy until noon ^^
Ooo I love the sweet/salty combination! And always, coffee.
As I said this admixture is my preferred way to start a day ^^