Cookies of fried rice - In 6 steps with 8 ingredients.

in #food7 years ago

DQmRi8qJm1nLczaKeFjGbYfncMadsb4qHbQ4Rp2t9hZXaPJ.jpgHello community @steemit, today I share this recipe in order that they take advantage of the rice that has exceeded them doing a few delicious sweet fried cookies of rice. They are a type of bun and I they verify that they are the richest, creaking externally and very soft and creamy within. This recipe is done to do from 60 to 70 torticas, depending on the size. Also it is possible to double the recipe to do less quantity.

The ingredients that you need are:

  • 5 cups of already cooked rice.
  • 2 cups of semihard grated cheese.
  • 1 big egg or two small ones.
  • 4 cups of flour of wheat.
  • 3 cups of sugar.
  • 1 nut moscada.
  • A spoonful of vanilla.
  • A trickle of milk.
  • ½ liters of oil to fry.

Spend 1

In a bowl, it joins the already cooked rice, the cheese, the eggs, the sugar, the vanilla, the grated nuez moscada and the flour.

Step 2

Mixes with the hands or easier with a mixer in order that some grains of rice break and better texture stays.

Step 3

While you are joining, sees adding the milk, up to obtaining a soft and uniform mixture that could think with the hands easily.

Spend 4

In a frying pan, it warms the oil and when it is sufficiently warm, moistens your hands with water or oil to prevent the mixture from sticking to your hands and help yourself with a spoon for the measure of the tortillas and then fry them. When they are gilded the return is given them in order that they are cooked of both sides.

spend 5

When they take a light brown color, they move back from the oil and place on napkins or absorbent paper.

spend 6

when they have slipped a bit, sugar is dusted by a colander pulverized.

And they are ready to eat!!

I am charmed with this recipe because it can be a dessert or a delicious breakfast. I wait you have liked my recipe and encourage to do it. Tell me that it seemed to you!!


Hola Daniuska tienes razón se ven deliciosas y en mi caso ya me dio como hambre. Aprovecho que paso por acá, para recordarte el adecuado uso de la etiqueta spanish, la cual solo colocamos cuando los post estén escritos en este idioma. Saludos ☺